
The internal grabens of the Levant Rifts and their geodynamic significance - 10/09/15

Doi : 10.1016/j.crte.2015.06.010 
Yossi Mart a, , Dina Vachtman b
a Leon Recanati Institute for Marine Studies, University of Haifa, Mount Carmel, 31905 Haifa, Israel 
b Statoil ASA, 9414 Harstad, Norway 

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The Levant Rift system is a linear assemblage of rifts and their mountainous flanks that comprise three structural distinct sections. The southern Jordan Rift is built of series of secondary axial grabens that diminish in length northwards and are separated from each other by poorly rifted threshold zones. The central section of the rift system is the Lebanese Baqa’a embedded between mountainous flanks, and a splay of faults that scatter to the north-northeast; the northern section comprises the SW-trending Karasu–Hatay Rifts from which the Ghab graben branches southwards. It is suggested that the rifting of the Jordan Rift is the northern extension of the Red Sea continental break-up, while the Karasu–Tatay section correlates geodynamically with the migration of Anatolia westwards. The Baqa’a, its mountainous flanks and the fault splay mark the termination of the crustal break-up from the south, but rejuvenation of some faults indicate the effects of the Anatolian migration.

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Keywords : Rifts, Internal grabens, Oblique rifting, Red Sea continental break-up, Anatolian westwards migration


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Vol 347 - N° 4

P. 191-200 - juillet 2015 Retour au numéro
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