
Low back pain sufferers: Is standing postural balance facilitated by a lordotic lumbar brace? - 07/06/10

Doi : 10.1016/j.otsr.2010.01.003 
F. Munoz a, J.-F. Salmochi b, P. Faouën c, P. Rougier a,
a Exercise Physiology Laboratory, EA4338, scientific area of Savoie-Technolac, Savoie University, 73376 Le-Bourget-du-Lac, France 
b Du Parc Private Hospital, 84, boulevard des belges, 69006 Lyon, France 
c Prodergo, 449, chemin Wette-Faÿs, 69300 Caluire-et-Cuire, France 

Corresponding author. Tel.: +33 4 79758146; fax: +33 4 79758148.

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The use of a lumbar lordosis orthotic device in the treatment of discogenic low back pain could be a valuable option and rehabilitation tool. The lumbar lordosis brace has been designed to meet these requirements and acts as a reminder to the patient to maintain a physiological lumbar lordosis curvature since it comprises a vertical panel on the chest and a curved rigid shell at the back. This lumbar lordosis brace exerts the necessary degree of compression in the lumbar region and achieves correction of the sagittal plane spine balance to improve postural control of the lumbar spine. Quantitative analysis of the centre of pressure (CoP) deviations, which are necessary to maintain the standing posture helps evaluate the impact of such device on postural balance.

Patients and methods

Eleven patients suffering from lumbar pain with discopathy (seven females and four males) had to stand on a force platform with their eyes closed under two basic conditions (fitted or not with a lumbar lordosis brace).


On the antero-posterior axis, the lordosis brace achieved a 6mm CP deviation from its mean position and a 51% reduction in the mean displacement prior to the initiation of the postural control mechanisms.


The forces applied by the lumbar lordosis brace (through compression and/or change in the spinal sagittal balance) seem to improve the quality of the patient’s balance strategy. Posturography appears as a valuable tool for in situ investigation of the postural benefits achieved when using a thoracolumbosacral orthosis in patients suffering from lumbar pain.

Level of evidence Level IV


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Keywords : Lumbar pain, Lumbar brace, Lordosis, Postural control


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Vol 96 - N° 4

P. 362-366 - Giugno 2010 Ritorno al numero
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