
0188: Suboptimal control of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol in French patients after an acute coronary syndrome. Contemporary data from DYSIS IIACS study - 12/02/16

Doi : 10.1016/S1878-6480(16)30051-9 
Jean Ferrieres ((1)), Maja Velkovski-Rouyer , ((2)) , Baishali Ambegaonkar ((3)), Dominik Lautsch ((3)), Philippe Brudi ((3)), Veronica Ashton ((3)), Anselm K. Gitt ((4))
(1) CHU Toulouse, Rangueil, Toulouse, France 
(2) MSD FRANCE, Courbevoie, France 
(3) Merck & Co., Inc., Kenilworth, New Jersey, Etats-Unis 
(4) Stiftung Institut fur Herzinfarktforschung, and Herzzentrum Ludwigshafen, Ludwigshafen Am Rhein, Allemagne 

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To document low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) values during hospitalization of ACS patients with/without lipid-lowering therapy (LLT) at admission, and achievement of the ESC LDL-C target (LDL-C≤70mg/dL) at 4 months following the acute event using data from the French cohort of the DYSIS IIACS study.


DYSIS IIACS was a multicentre prospective observational cohort study (recruitment: Oct 2013 to Oct 2014) conducted in 24 coronary care units in France. Adults hospitalized for an ACS event and who had a lipid panel measured within 24 hours of admission were consecutively enrolled. Eligible patients had to be on LLT for≥3 months or taking no LLT. A telephone follow-up interview was carried out with patients (or their next of kin) 120±15 days after the index event.


Of the 468 patients enrolled, 50.6% had ST-elevation myocardial infarction/left bundle branch block, 40.8% had non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction, and 8.5% had unstable angina. Of the 277 (59.2%) patients on LLT at admission, 25.3% had an LDL-C<70mg/dl (Table). Most patients (96.4%) were on statin therapy at discharge (mean+SD dose calculated in atorvastatin 49±28mg/day). Non-statin LLT was used in 5.6% patients at discharge (61.5% with a cholesterol-absorption inhibitor). At 120 days after admission, 50.9% of ACS patients with follow-up data had achieved the LDL-C target.


These observational data from contemporary French clinical practice in coronary care units indicate suboptimal LDL-C control, with a substantial proportion of very high cardiovascular risk patients presenting with elevated LDL-C despite taking LLT. Four months after the acute event, half of the patients (with data) failed to achieve the target, with a large difference between mean value and target LDL-C.
Abstract 0188 – Table: Characteristics of and lipid values in ACS patients: during hospitalization and at 120 daysAll patients (n=468)LLT at admission (n=277)No LLT at admission (n=191)Age (years)65±1267±1261±12***Men80.178.083.2Diabetes type 221.827.413.6**Chronic kidney disease3.84.03.7Lipid variables (within 24 h of admission)LDL-C (mg/dL)110.6±43.493.6±36.4135.3±40.9***LDL<70mg/dL (%)16.925.34.7***Difference between mean and target values (mg/dL)52.1±38.337.0±32.169.3±37.5***Statin at hospital discharge96.497.594.8Lipid variables (120 days after admission)(n=159)(n=86)(n=73)LDL-C (mg/dL)76.1±31.179.7±31.171.9±30.7*LDL-C<70mg/dL50.941.961.6*Difference between mean and target values (mg/dL)29.7±25.828.0±26.532.6±24.7Data are mean±SD or %.*P<0.05**P?0.001**P?0.0001 (LLT vs no LLT)

 All patients (n=468) LLT at admission (n=277) No LLT at admission (n=191) 
Age (years) 65±12 67±12 61±12*** 
Men 80.1 78.0 83.2 
Diabetes type 2 21.8 27.4 13.6** 
Chronic kidney disease 3.8 4.0 3.7 
Lipid variables (within 24 h of admission)    
LDL-C (mg/dL) 110.6±43.4 93.6±36.4 135.3±40.9*** 
LDL<70mg/dL (%) 16.9 25.3 4.7*** 
Difference between mean and target values (mg/dL) 52.1±38.3 37.0±32.1 69.3±37.5*** 
Statin at hospital discharge 96.4 97.5 94.8 
Lipid variables (120 days after admission) (n=159) (n=86) (n=73) 
LDL-C (mg/dL) 76.1±31.1 79.7±31.1 71.9±30.7* 
LDL-C<70mg/dL 50.9 41.9 61.6* 
Difference between mean and target values (mg/dL) 29.7±25.8 28.0±26.5 32.6±24.7 

Data are mean±SD or %.

[*]  P<0.05
[**]  P?0.001
[**]  P?0.0001 (LLT vs no LLT)

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Vol 8 - N° 1

P. 16-17 - janvier 2016 Retour au numéro
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