
miR-486-5p inhibits cell growth of papillary thyroid carcinoma by targeting fibrillin-1 - 02/05/16

Doi : 10.1016/j.biopha.2016.03.020 
Xinfeng Ma a, 1, Jing Wei b, 1, Li Zhang c, Deqiang Deng d, Lianyong Liu e, Xin Mei f, Xiaohua He b, Jianqing Tian b,
a Medical Care Department for Personnel, Urumchi General Hospital of Lanzhou Military Region, Urumchi, Xinjiang 830000, China 
b Department of Endocrinology, Urumchi General Hospital of Lanzhou Military Region, Urumchi, Xinjiang 830000, China 
c Department of Pharmacy, Urumchi General Hospital of Lanzhou Military Region, Urumchi, Xinjiang 830000, China 
d Department of Endocrinology, Urumchi Chinese Medicine Hospital, Urumchi, Xinjiang 830000, China 
e Department of Endocrinology, Shanghai Punan Hospital, Shanghai 200125, China 
f Department of Endocrinology, The People’s Hospital in Altay Region, Altay, Xinjiang 836500, China 

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pages 7
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Previous studies have demonstrated that miR-486-5p functions as a tumor suppressor or oncogene in various types of cancer. In the present study, we showed that miR-486-5p was significantly down-regulated in papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) tissues and cell lines, whereas miR-486-5p down-regulation inhibited PTC cell proliferation and increased apoptosis. Conversely, under-expression of miR-486-5p enhanced PTC cell proliferation and decreased apoptosis. Fibrillin-1 (FBN1) was shown to be a direct target of miR-486-5p and inversely regulated by miR-486-5p. FBN1 silencing led to decreased PTC cell proliferation and enhanced apoptosis in vitro, similar to that mediated by miR-486-5p. Furthermore, miR-486-5p over-expression or FBN1 knock-down inhibited, while up-regulation of FBN1 boosted xenograft tumor formation in vivo. Our data suggest that miR-486-5p induces PTC cell growth inhibition and apoptosis by targeting and suppressing FBN1. Thus, miR-486-5p/FBN1 might provide a promising therapeutic target for PTC treatment.

Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.

Keywords : miR-486-5p, Papillary thyroid carcinoma, Proliferation, Apoptosis


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Vol 80

P. 220-226 - mai 2016 Retour au numéro
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