
Quantitative methods in electroencephalography to access therapeutic response - 02/06/16

Doi : 10.1016/j.biopha.2016.02.046 
Roseane Costa Diniz a, e, , 1, Andrea Martins Melo Fontenele a, f, 1, Luiza Helena Araújo do Carmo a, Aurea Celeste da Costa Ribeiro b, Fábio Henrique Silva Sales c, Sally Cristina Moutinho Monteiro a, Ana Karoline Ferreira de Castro Sousa d
a Federal University of Maranhao, Department of Pharmacy, Cidade Universitária Bacanga, Avenida dos Portugueses, 1966 Bacanga, São Luís, Maranhão 65080-805, Brazil 
b Estadual University of Maranhao, Technological Sciences Center, Undergraduate Degree in Computer Engineering, Cidade Universitária Paulo VI, s/n Tirirical, São Luís, Maranhão 65055-000, Brazil 
c Federal Institute of Education Science and Technology of Maranhao, Department of Physics, Avenida Getúlio Vargas, 4 Monte Castelo, São Luís, Maranhão 65036-490, Brazil 
d Integração e Tecnologia Médico Farmacológico - ITMF, Avenida Coronel Colares Moreira 10, Edifício São Luís Multiempresarial, sala 416-Renascença II, São Luís, Maranhão ⿿65075-441, Brazil 
e Universidade CEUMA, Mestrado em Biologia Parasitária. Rua Josué Montello ⿿ Renascença II, São Luís, Maranhão 65075-120, Brazil 
f Hospital Universitário da Universidade Federal do Maranhão, Serviço de Farmácia, Rua Barão de Itapary, 227-Centro, São Luís, Maranhão 65020-070, Brazil 

⿿Corresponding author at: Roseane Costa Diniz, Chemical Analyst, Licentiate Physics, PharmD. Federal University of Maranhao, Department of Pharmacy, Cidade Universitária Bacanga, Avenida dos Portugueses, 1966 Bacanga, São Luís, Maranhão 65080-805, Brazil. E-mail: roseanecd@gmail.com.Federal University of MaranhaoDepartment of PharmacyCidade Universitária BacangaAvenida dos Portugueses1966 BacangaSão LuísMaranhão65080-805Brazil

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Pharmacometrics or Quantitative Pharmacology aims to quantitatively analyze the interaction between drugs and patients whose tripod: pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics and disease monitoring to identify variability in drug response. Being the subject of central interest in the training of pharmacists, this work was out with a view to promoting this idea on methods to access the therapeutic response of drugs with central action. This paper discusses quantitative methods (Fast Fourier Transform, Magnitude Square Coherence, Conditional Entropy, Generalised Linear semi-canonical Correlation Analysis, Statistical Parametric Network and Mutual Information Function) used to evaluate the EEG signals obtained after administration regimen of drugs, the main findings and their clinical relevance, pointing it as a contribution to construction of different pharmaceutical practice.

Peter Anderer et. al in 2000 showed the effect of 20mg of buspirone in 20 healthy subjects after 1, 2, 4, 6 and 8h after oral ingestion of the drug. The areas of increased power of the theta frequency occurred mainly in the temporo-occipital ⿿ parietal region. It has been shown by Sampaio et al., 2007 that the use of bromazepam, which allows the release of GABA (gamma amino butyric acid), an inhibitory neurotransmitter of the central nervous system could theoretically promote dissociation of cortical functional areas, a decrease of functional connectivity, a decrease of cognitive functions by means of smaller coherence (electrophysiological magnitude measured from the EEG by software) values. Ahmad Khodayari-Rostamabad et al. in 2015 talk that such a measure could be a useful clinical tool potentially to assess adverse effects of opioids and hence give rise to treatment guidelines. There was the relation between changes in pain intensity and brain sources (at maximum activity locations) during remifentanil infusion despite its potent analgesic effect.

The statement of mathematical and computational aspects in the use of clinical data is frequent and elucidation of these aspects we use PhysioNet www.physionet.org/, Clinical Database online supported by the National Institutes of Health (National Institutes of Health of United States of America/NIH-USA) for the acquisition of EEG data and the Matlab program to do the simulations with the methods and thus create opportunities greater understanding.

Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.

Keywords : Central nervous system, Quantitative methods and research and clinical practice


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