
Prevalence, Correlates, and Impact of Uncorrected Presbyopia in a Multiethnic Asian Population - 28/07/16

Doi : 10.1016/j.ajo.2016.05.019 
Ryan Eyn Kidd Man a, Eva Katie Fenwick a, b, c, Charumathi Sabanayagam a, c, Ling-Jun Li a, Preeti Gupta a, Yih-Chung Tham a, Tien Yin Wong a, b, c, d, e, Ching-Yu Cheng a, d, e, Ecosse Luc Lamoureux a, c, d, e,
a Singapore Eye Research Institute, Singapore, Singapore 
b Centre for Eye Research Australia, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 
c Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School, Singapore, Singapore 
d Singapore National Eye Centre, Singapore, Singapore 
e National University of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore 

Inquiries to Ecosse Luc Lamoureux, Director, Population Health, Singapore Eye Research Institute (SERI), 20 College Road, The Academia Discovery Tower Level 6, Singapore 169856Population HealthSingapore Eye Research Institute (SERI)20 College Road, The Academia Discovery Tower Level 6Singapore169856



To examine the prevalence, correlates, and impact of uncorrected presbyopia on vision-specific functioning (VF) in a multiethnic Asian population.


Population-based cross-sectional study.


We included 7890 presbyopic subjects (3909 female; age range, 40-86 years) of Malay, Indian, and Chinese ethnicities from the Singapore Epidemiology of Eye Disease study. Presbyopia was classified as corrected and uncorrected based on self-reported near correction use. VF was assessed with the VF-11 questionnaire validated using Rasch analysis. Multivariable logistic and linear regression models were used to investigate the associations of sociodemographic and clinical parameters with uncorrected presbyopia, and its impact on VF, respectively. As myopia may mitigate the impact of noncorrection, we performed a subgroup analysis on myopic subjects only (n = 2742).


In total, 2678 of 7890 subjects (33.9%) had uncorrected presbyopia. In multivariable models, younger age, male sex, Malay and Indian ethnicities, presenting distance visual impairment (any eye), and lower education and income levels were associated with higher odds of uncorrected presbyopia (all P < .05). Compared with corrected presbyopia, noncorrection was associated with worse overall VF and reduced ability to perform individual near and distance vision-specific tasks even after adjusting for distance VA and other confounders (all P < .05). Results were very similar for myopic individuals.


One-third of presbyopic Singaporean adults did not have near correction. Given its detrimental impact on both near and distance VF, public health strategies to increase uptake of presbyopic correction in younger individuals, male individuals, and those of Malay and Indian ethnicities are needed.

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 Supplemental Material available at AJO.com.

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Vol 168

P. 191-200 - août 2016 Retour au numéro
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