
Concentrations of omentin and vaspin versus insulin resistance in obese individuals - 21/10/16

Doi : 10.1016/j.biopha.2016.07.012 
Marcelina Sperling a, , Teresa Grzelak a, Marta Pelczyńska a, Paula Jasinska a, Pawel Bogdanski b, Danuta Pupek-Musialik c, Krystyna Czyzewska a
a Division of Biology of Civilization-Related Diseases, Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Poznan, Poland 
b Department of Education and Obesity Treatment and Metabolic Disorders, Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Poznan, Poland 
c Department of Internal Medicine, Metabolic Disorders and Hypertension, Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Poznan, Poland 

Corresponding author at: Division of Biology of Civilization-Linked Diseases, Department of Chemistry and Clinical Biochemistry, Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Swiecickiego 6 Str., 60-781 Poznan, PolandDivision of Biology of Civilization-Linked DiseasesDepartment of Chemistry and Clinical BiochemistryPoznan University of Medical SciencesSwiecickiego 6 Str.Poznan60-781Poland

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Omentin and vaspin are adipokines manifesting a potentially protective action against obesity-associated metabolic disturbances.


Evaluation of relationship between serum concentrations of omentin and vaspin on one hand and indices of insulin resistance and anthropometric parameters in obese individuals on the other.

Material and methods

The studies were conducted on 64 individuals. The investigated group (37 obese patients) included the subgroup with normal glucose tolerance (NGT) and with abnormal glucose tolerance (AGT). The control group (n=27) included healthy individuals with normal body weight. In all participants anthropometric analyses and biochemical tests, including estimation of omentin and vaspin concentrations were performed, and insulin resistance by HOMA-IR was evaluated.


Concentrations of examined adipokines manifested no significant differences between the examined groups. Median values of the index defining ratio between studied adipokine and degree of insulin resistance, i.e. omentin/HOMA-IR, proved to be different in the investigated and the control group while no such difference could be noted in cases of vaspin/HOMA-IR indices. In the studied population a negative relationship was detected between serum concentration of omentin and systolic blood pressure (p<0.04). Values of omentin/HOMA-IR index manifested a correlation with values of most anthropometric parameters (p<0.0001), blood pressure (p<0.0001) concentrations of TG (p<000.1) and HDL (p<0.0001), ISIbasal (p<0.00001), ISIgly (p<0.0001), Quicki (p<0.00001) and fasting insulinaemia (p<0.00001). In the case of vaspin/HOMA-IR index only its positive relationship with HDL concentration was noted (p<0.05).


In context of date of correlation, multiple regression and values of area of under receiver operating characteristics curve omentin, as compared to vaspin, seems to provide a better predictor of insulin resistance in obese individuals.

Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.

Keywords : Obesity, Insulin resistance, Omentin, Vaspin


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Vol 83

P. 542-547 - octobre 2016 Retour au numéro
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