
Being afraid of compassion: Fears of compassion as mediators between early emotional memories and psychopathological symptoms in adulthood - 08/07/17

Doi : 10.1016/j.eurpsy.2017.01.312 
M. Matos , J. Duarte, J. Pinto-Gouveia
 University of Coimbra, Cognitive and Behavioral Centre for Research and Intervention CINEICC University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal 

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There is evidence suggesting that for some individuals self-generating compassion and being open to compassion from others can be difficult or aversive. To date, however, no study has explored how these fears of compassion are associated with early emotional memories, such as shame or safeness memories, and to symptoms of depression and anxiety in adulthood. The current study set out to investigate the mediator effect of fears of compassion on the relationship between the traumatic and centrality features of shame memories, early memories of warmth and safeness, and symptoms of depression and anxiety.


In this cross-sectional study, participants were 302 individuals (171 women; age M=36.28; SD=11.45) recruited from the general community population, who completed self-report measures of fears of compassion (for self, for others and from others), shame memories, safeness memories, depression and anxiety.


Path analysis showed that fears of compassion for self and of receiving compassion from others mediated the effects of shame traumatic memory, centrality of shame memory and early memories of warmth and safeness on depressive and anxiety symptoms. Fear of compassion for self was the best predictor of depression and anxiety.


Fears of compassion may render an individual more vulnerable to defeat and threat responses when faced with stressful life events, which can manifest as symptoms of depression or anxiety. Clinical implications might be derived from these findings as these fears, as well as the negative emotional memories fuelling them, may need to be addressed in therapy to assist patients in self-generating and receiving compassion.

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Vol 41 - N° S

P. S101 - avril 2017 Retour au numéro
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