
A neuro-developmentally sensitive and trauma informed service delivery approach for child and youth mental health and psychiatry - 08/07/17

Doi : 10.1016/j.eurpsy.2017.02.207 
T. Wilkes 1, , E. Wang 2, B. Perry 3
1 Foothills medical centre, psychiatry, Calgary, Canada 
2 Hull services, NMT service director, Calgary, Canada 
3 Child trauma academy, psychiatry and behavioral services, Houston, USA 

Corresponding author.


This presentation will introduce the innovative approach to child and youth mental health and psychiatry using the neurosequential model of therapeutics (NMT). This is a neuro-developmentally sensitive and trauma informed approach and acknowledges the importance of early experiences shaping the organization of the brain. An outline of the stress response and its relevance to hyper-arousal and dissociative responses will be discussed as this impacts attachment and the reward neuro-biology. The hierarchy of brain development will be emphasized in the clinical approaches to child psychiatry especially in reference to child maltreatment and neglect. The critical role of sensory integration, self regulation, relational health and cognitive development in treatment planning will be discussed versus the categorical diagnosis of ADHD, autism, bipolar disorder and depression. This has profound economic and psychopharm practice implications in child and youth mental health treatments. Consequently the importance of these concepts in informing public policy for early child development and school mental health literacy will be emphasized. Additionally the outcome of these approaches on the reduction of staff turnover, critical incidents in schools and residential placements will be shared.

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Vol 41 - N° S

P. S309 - avril 2017 Retour au numéro
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