
Treating out of the box: A psychiatry for all! - 08/07/17

Doi : 10.1016/j.eurpsy.2017.01.608 
L. Jouini 1, , W. Homri 1, A. Mrabet 2, R. Zaouche 3, R. Labbane 1, B. Meddeb 4, E. Gouider 4
1 Razi hospital, “C” Psychiatry department, Tunis, Tunisia 
2 Faculty of medecine of Tunis, preventive medecine department, Tunis, Tunisia 
3 Razi hospital, psychiatry outpatient Unit, Tunis, Tunisia 
4 Aziza Othmena hospital, center of Hemophilia, Tunis, Tunisia 

Corresponding author.



Psychiatrists used to focus on some chronic illness such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. However, non–psychiatric chronic illness also need psychiatric follow-up. Indeed, the reciprocal impact of chronic illness and depression is becoming increasingly clear. There is evidence that living with a chronic illness can increase the risk for depression and that depression can impair the quality of life (QoL).


We aim to assess the prevalence of depression in a chronic disease such as hemophilia and to evaluate the patients’ QoL.


Thirty-seven adults from the hemophilia treatment center were screened for depression using the Hamilton Scale for Depression. QoL was assessed using the norm based scores of the SF-36. When the group's score was below 47, the quality of life was below the average.


The average age of our population was 26.5years. 46% were married, 27% achieved a superior level of education and 30% were jobless. Good social and professional integration were reported in 70% and 76% respectively. 77% of our sample had depressive symptoms which were mild (30%), moderate (24%) or severe (13%). The physical and mental Component Scores (PCS and MCS) of the SF-36 scored 46.48 and 43.45 respectively. PCS and MCS were significantly lower in patients with depressive symptoms (P=0.002/P=0.048). However, depressive symptoms and SF-36 scores did not differ according to education level, marital and professional status.


Psychiatrists should be aware of the psychological impact of general chronic illness. Psychiatric consultations must be implemented in every general hospital.

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Vol 41 - N° S

P. S494 - avril 2017 Retour au numéro
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