
A Proposal of an innovative program for informal caregivers of patients with mood disorders - 08/07/17

Doi : 10.1016/j.eurpsy.2017.01.943 
J. Cabral 1, , C. Barreto Carvalho 1, P. Castilho Freitas 2, C. Pato 3
1 University of Azores, Social sciences and humanities, Ponta Delgada, Portugal 
2 University of Coimbra, Psychology and science education, Coimbra, Portugal 
3 SUNY Downstate Medical Center, College of Medicine Suny Downstate, New York, USA 

Corresponding author.



Intervention with informal caregivers (IC) of psychiatric patients is internationally recognized as relevant and a priority. However, the existing responses in this area are still insufficient, especially regarding caregivers of individuals with mood disorders (MD). Mindfulness and compassion focused therapy have proven to be an effective approach in stress reduction and in improving emotional and social well-being of caregivers of patients with other conditions. However, no studies testing these new approaches in IC of patients with MD have been carried out. The objective of this work is to present a research project that aims to develop, implement and empirically test the effectiveness of an innovative group program to help informal caregivers of individuals with mood disorders to cope with the negative impact of the disease and reduce caregiver burdens.


The design of this experimental study to test the program's efficacy is a non-randomised controlled trial (nrct) with 12months follow-up, with a mixed assessment methodology (quantitative and qualitative analysis). A sample of 60 informal caregivers of individuals with chronic MD will be constituted (n=30 Control group; n= 30 Experimental group).


We expect the program to promote significant changes in participants in terms of several emotional variables (eg: burden, stress, resilience, compassion and quality of life).


Further efforts to continue studying the impact of interventions in caregivers should be carried out, as a way to improve the quality of life of caregivers and their ability to provide informal care to MD patients.

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Vol 41 - N° S

P. S603 - avril 2017 Retour au numéro
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