
Mental health simulation training in psychiatric skills for police and ambulance service personnel - 08/07/17

Doi : 10.1016/j.eurpsy.2017.01.942 
C. Attoe , M. Fisher, A. Vishwas, S. Cross
 South London & Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust, Maudsley Simulation, London, United Kingdom 

Corresponding author.



UK healthcare policy has highlighted a shift in mental health services from hospital to community, stressing the importance of training for professions not traditionally associated with healthcare. Recommendations have been made to introduce training for the police force designed with experts. Similarly, the value of further training for ambulance clinicians in assessing mental health, capacity, and understanding legislation has been highlighted.


To investigate the effect of simulation training on the confidence, knowledge, and human factors skills of police and ambulance service personnel in working with people experiencing mental health conditions.


On completion of data collection from 14 training courses, approximately 90 police and 90 ambulance personnel (n=180) will have completed the human factors skills for healthcare instrument, confidence and knowledge self-report measures, and post-course qualitative evaluation forms. A version of the hfshi for non-clinical professions will hopefully be validated following data collection. Results will also be compared by profession.


Analyses have not been fully completed, although preliminary statistical analyses demonstrate promising findings, with increases post-course for human factors skills, confidence and knowledge. Furthermore, qualitative feedback initially illustrates valuable learning outcomes and interesting findings from comparisons by professions.


Mental health simulation training appears to have a promising impact on the confidence, knowledge, and human factors skills of police and ambulance personnel for working with people experiencing mental health conditions.

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© 2017  Publié par Elsevier Masson SAS.
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Vol 41 - N° S

P. S603 - avril 2017 Retour au numéro
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  • Comparing the educational impact of simulation training to role play and didactic teaching for integrating mental and physical healthcare
  • C. Attoe, A. Vishwas, S. Cross
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  • A Proposal of an innovative program for informal caregivers of patients with mood disorders
  • J. Cabral, C. Barreto Carvalho, P. Castilho Freitas, C. Pato

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