
Suicidal ideation among international medical students studying medicine in Romania - 08/07/17

Doi : 10.1016/j.eurpsy.2017.01.998 
A.D. Buzoianu 1, , C.A. Popescu 2
1 UMF CLUJ NAPOCA IULIU HATIEGANU, Department of Pharmacology- Toxicology and Clinical Pharmacology, Cluj-Napoca, Romania 
2 University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Iuliu Hatieganu”, Department of Abilities-Human Sciences, Cluj-Napoca, Romania 

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The burden of mental health impairment in medical students is an important research subjects. Evidence shows that medical students have a higher prevalence of symptoms of depression and anxiety than the general population. A number of studies regarding suicidal ideation among medical students have been carried out, but this topic has largely been ignored in regard to international medical students coming from Western European countries studying medicine in Eastern European countries. Suicidal ideation is the early symptom of suicidal actions. The students are the most vulnerable and easily influenced by cases of suicide, especially in a closed group with little connections with the general population like the international students.


Following 2 suicides in our university, we aim to measure the prevalence of suicidal ideations in international students.


Overall, 150 medical students from the French section studying at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Iuliu Hatieganu”, Romania, were evaluated for symptoms of depression using BDI and for suicide ideation using Beck HS.


Suicidal ideation was present in 28.57% of the French international medical students. Depression and the lack of social support had a significant relationship with suicidal ideation.


Suicide is a serious issue that has to be dealt with immediately. It is important to assist medical students who are considering the possibility of committing suicide, so that they overcome their difficulties. There is a need to identify the prevalence of suicidal ideation among medical students and for student counselling.

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