
Suicide risk among immigrants and ethnic minorities - 08/07/17

Doi : 10.1016/j.eurpsy.2017.01.1010 
M. Pompili
 Sapienza University of Rome, Department of Neurosciences- Mental Health and Sensory Organs, Rome, Italy 



Recent historical perspective suggests that suicide is a neglected issue among immigrants and ethnic minorities.


Given the need to delivering proper care to such populations, government is now requested to address suicide risk and involve proper interventions.


To provide comprehensive overview of suicide risk among immigrants and ethnic minorities and possible targeted preventive measures.


Given the relatively early and underdeveloped state of this area of inquiry, the author viewed his task as gathering and critically appraising the available research relevant to the topic, with the aim of formulating a hypothesis to be tested with further research.


Evidence support the notion that certain communalities across ethnic groups are influenced in a considerable way by the suicide risk in the country of origin. Furthermore, some well-known risk factors for suicide may not play a central role in the case immigrants and ethnic minorities; on the contrary, adjustment problems point to the explanation that emotional distress may be caused by social problems, racism and discrimination. Suicide risk among these individuals may also be referred to the risk in the country of origin pointing to grater complexity when individuals immigrate into a country with different suicide rates as well as different contributing factors. Help-seeking barriers are still a major obstacle for delivering proper preventive intervention. The author aims at providing a comprehensive picture of suicide risk among this population and highlight possible preventive strategies.


Social interventions, culture-sensitive community projects or interventions targeting specific subgroups might be possible solutions.

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