
Unresolved grief and diogenes syndrome and misery senile - 08/07/17

Doi : 10.1016/j.eurpsy.2017.01.1056 
S. Färber 1, , M. Färber 2
1 VIVER Psicologia e Tanatologia, Tanatologia, Cascavel, Brazil 
2 VIVER Psicologia e Tanatologia, Psicologia, Cascavel, Brazil 

Corresponding author.



Mourning the death of a loved one, the loss of social aggregation or familiar, or any trauma may not follow the normal process when has any kind of complication In these cases of the complicated mourning, a person may develop or manifest dissociative behaviors, like diogenes syndrome or the misery senile syndrome.


To investigate the presence of unauthorized mourning, complicated or not elaborate as triggers of diogenes syndrome and misery senile.


To develop this research we use the systematic literature review, following the process of research, cataloging, careful evaluation and synthesis of the documentation associated with the method of thanatological hermeneutics.


Thanatology is useful tool in scientific and clinical research and care for patients with diogenes syndrome. The need for safety against the distress of fear of the future and loneliness is at the origin of compulsive hoarding. If the mythical diogenes lived in Athens a Spartan life, living in a barrel, as the character Chespirito of Roberto Bolaños (Fig. 1), the carriers of this syndrome follow the opposite path accumulating objects to achieve a sense of stability.


There is a significant presence of unresolved grief in the history of the psychiatric patient with diogenes syndrome.

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© 2017  Publié par Elsevier Masson SAS.
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Vol 41 - N° S

P. S640 - avril 2017 Retour au numéro
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