
Social phobia and co-morbid states-diagnostics and importance - 08/07/17

Doi : 10.1016/j.eurpsy.2017.01.1161 
S. Anakiev 1, , G. Tasic 2
1 Special Hospital for Psychiatric Disease, Male admission department, Gornja Toponica, Serbia 
2 Special Hospital for Psychiatric Disease, Department for Psycho-social rehabilitation treatment, Gornja Toponica, Serbia 

Corresponding author.



The roots of social phobia, lay in the social nature of human beings who fulfil their basic needs in social relations. By the definition, it is the fear of witnessing the negative judgement and the criticism of other people, which is so intense that, is followed by reactions of avoidance of phobic situations and doings, followed by intense vegetative symptoms.


Introduce social phobia as an important social and medical problem with common co-morbidity and exceptional risk of suicide. At the same time it gives special accent to the diagnostic procedures and differential diagnosis.


Analysis of the information from literature and practice and coming to conclusions with the inductive method.


Social phobia is a chronicle illness, equally present in both sexes. The central position is taken by all-the-time present intense irrational fear. Alcoholism, misuse of sedatives, depression, and panic with agoraphobia, OCD are common followers of social phobia. Differential diagnosis witch eliminates panic with agoraphobia, or just the lack of social skills allows the right therapeutic approach.


Social phobia, alone or combined with other disorders, has a huge medical and social value. Coming back to regular life tracks depends on the right diagnosis and the right time to go into the healing process.

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P. S675 - avril 2017 Retour au numéro
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