
Depression and anxiety among Tunisian medical students “binge viewers” - 08/07/17

Doi : 10.1016/j.eurpsy.2017.01.1163 
M. Boudali, M. Hamza, S. Bourgou, L. Jouini , F. Charfi, A. Belhadj
 Hopital Mongi Slim, Child Psychiatry, Tunis, Tunisia 

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Since the advent of online streaming television, a new behavioural phenomenon have emerged among millennial, named “binge watching” that is viewing more than two episodes of a TV show in the same sitting. Whether or not this behaviour reflects emotional difficulties has been poorly studied.


Describe the phenomenon and search a possible link with depression and anxiety.


Fifty medical students were recruited. A questionnaire exploring the circumstances, the purpose and the outcome of the binge viewing was fulfilled. The Beck depressive inventory and the state-trait anxiety inventory were passed for the assessment of depression and anxiety.


Among the 50 students questioned, 68% met the criteria of binge viewers and 64.7% of them adopted this behaviour at least once a week with an overall average of screen exposure of 3.8hours in one sitting. Before the binge watching, 35.3% reported excitement and 29.4% boredom and have used it mostly to pass time (47.1%) and for fun (44.1%). Participants have felt more relaxed and happier after the viewing. Mild depression was found in 10 cases and moderate depression in 5 cases. Anxiety scores averaged 35.38 for state anxiety and 40.32 for trait anxiety. An inverse relationship was found between depression and anxiety scores and the frequency of the binge watching and its exposure duration. The correlation was hover non significant.


Could it be that the binge watching is a means of fighting against anxiety and depression rather than an evidence of emotional difficulties? Further studies are needed.

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Vol 41 - N° S

P. S675-S676 - avril 2017 Retour au numéro
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