
The integration of yoga theory and practice into a general practice of psychiatry - 08/07/17

Doi : 10.1016/j.eurpsy.2017.01.1259 
R. Weininger
 Reuben A. Weininger- M.D., Psychiatry, Santa Barbara, USA 



Yoga is an ancient system of concepts and practices designed to address problems of the mind and body, codified during the few centuries BCE in India. Yoga has become increasingly popular in the West during the past half century, and its practice in various forms is now widespread. Along with mindfulness-based techniques, yoga is increasingly seen as compatible with Western therapeutic methods of approaching physical and mental illness.


To introduce the audience to the yoga model of the mind, and to show how it is both compatible with and complementary to Western models, including psychoanalytic and cognitive behavioral.


We will explore how this ancient system can be introduced into clinical practice, and in what ways it can accelerate the process of psychotherapy and psychological change.


This talk will include a review of yoga theory, including the causes of suffering and its resolution. We will explore roadblocks in treatment and how daily practices can accelerate the process of growth and change.


Yoga can be a very helpful adjunct to a psychiatric practice, in addition to medications and psychotherapy.

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Vol 41 - N° S

P. S707 - avril 2017 Retour au numéro
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