
“Hear me out”: Experiences of mothers suffering from severe mental illness with health care providers – A qualitative perspective - 08/07/17

Doi : 10.1016/j.eurpsy.2017.01.1835 
D. Banerjee , G. Desai, P.S. Chandra
 National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences, Psychiatry, Bangalore, Karnataka, India 

Corresponding author.



Contrary to popular myth, majority of mentally ill women are mothers with increasing number of them seeking help. Little is known about their own experiences in this regard and the extent to which their needs are met.


To assess the barriers and facilitators in seeking help from mental health care providers in matters of pregnancy and parenting.


The study used qualitative design with social constructivist paradigm. A purposive sample of 30 mothers with severe mental illness was obtained. Data was collected through one-to-one in-depth semi-structured interviews. After verbatim transcription, inductive thematic analysis was used to explore transcripts.


Most women considered motherhood “central” to their lives and almost all of them experienced the burden of the “dual role”. Main barriers in seeking help were stigma, treatment side effects, wrong information and time constraints. Whereas self-advocacy, early engagement, education of women and involvement of the family with service providers were the facilitating factors. The prime expectations of the mothers as identified were early and direct communication, patient audience and basic guidance in regards to child health and parenting issues.


Women who are mothers and also users of mental health services face special challenges in managing the contradictory aspects of their dual identity. Hearing their voices are essential for service provision and ensuring adequate mental health needs. Early and direct intervention along with understanding and addressing critical areas are necessary for proper care of both the mother and child.

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