
Correlation between self-efficacy and well-being, and distress, in women with unexplained infertility - 08/07/17

Doi : 10.1016/j.eurpsy.2017.01.1836 
B. Batinic 1, , J. Lazarevic 2, S. Dragojevic-Dikic 3
1 Clinic for Psychiatry Clinical Centre of Serbia, Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Psychology, Belgrade, Serbia 
2 Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Psychology, Belgrade, Serbia 
3 Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic “National front”, Department of Obstetrics, Belgrade, Serbia 

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One of the most difficult aspects of unexplained infertility treatments are feelings of uncertainty and the perception that infertility is beyond one's personal control, both of which make the infertility situation more threatening and stressful.


The aim of this study was to explore the correlation between general self-efficacy and infertility specific well-being and distress among women with unexplained infertility.


The sample consisted of 97 women with unexplained infertility aged between 22 and 46 years old (mean age: 33.58), who were recruited from the obstetrics and gynecology clinic “National front”. Mean duration of conception attempts was 3.10 years. The General Self-Efficacy Scale and the Infertility Specific Well-Being and Distress Scales were applied in the study.


The mean score on the General Self-Efficacy Scale was 32.77 (SD=4.624), on the Well-Being scale 3.22 (SD=0.984) and on the Distress scale 1.94 (SD=0.754). There was a positive correlation between intensity of infertility specific well-being and general self-efficacy (r=0.502; P<0.01) and a negative correlation between infertility specific distress and general self-efficacy (r=−0.265; P<0.01). Women with unexplained infertility with higher self-efficacy expressed higher levels of well-being and lower levels of distress.


The results of our study indicate that women with unexplained infertility who perceive their problems as being beyond their control express higher levels of stress and lower levels of well-being. Psychological treatment of women with unexplained infertility should focus on the aspects that can be influenced through psychotherapy.

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© 2017  Publié par Elsevier Masson SAS.
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