
Intra-rater reliability of hip abductor isometric strength assessment in older fallers and non-fallers - 26/09/17

Doi : 10.1016/j.rehab.2017.07.101 
Anne-Violette Bruyneel 1, , Simone Gafner 2, Serge Ferrari 3, Gabriel Gold 4, Philippe Terrier 5, Caroline Bastiaenen 6, Lara Allet 2
1 HESSO Genève, Physiothérapie, Carouge, Switzerland 
2 University of applied sciences of western Switzerland, Department of physiotherapy, Genève, Switzerland 
3 University Hospitals and University of Geneva, Department of Internal Medicine Specialties, Genève, Switzerland 
4 University Hospitals and University of Geneva, Department of Internal Medicine, Rehabilitation and Geriatrics, Genève, Switzerland 
5 Clinique romande de réadaptation SUVACare, Sion, Switzerland 
6 Maastricht University, Department of Epidemiology, Research program Functioning and Rehabilitation, CAPHRI, Maastricht, Netherlands 

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Impaired muscle function at the hip has been implicated to be a major factor related to falls in older patients. Falls mostly occur in an upright position, therefore, the measurement of hip abductor strength in the often used side-lying or supine position is not functional. The aim was to investigate, for older persons at risk of falls, the feasibility and intra-rater reliability of a hip abductor test in standing position.

Material/Patients and methods

To be included older persons had to be over 65 years. Fifteen fallers and 15 non-fallers participated in this study. Hip abductor strength was quantified with a hand-held dynamometer in standing position. Three trials were realized for both sessions. The raw force signals were exported and a low-pass filter was applied to attenuate high-frequency noise. The voluntary isometric strength (MVIS) was defined as the peak value reached within 0 to 4s. The rate of force generation (RFG) was evaluated over 50ms after 10% of the MVIS was reached. All variables were normalized for participants’ weight. Reliability was determined using intra-class correlation coefficient (ICCagreement), standard error measurement (SEM) and Bland and Altman plot analysis (mean differences between sessions and limit of agreement-LOA95%). The ICC above 0.75 indicated good reliability, those between 0.5 and 0.75 moderate reliability and those under 0.5, poor reliability.


All recruited persons completed the strength test in standing position. The intra-rater reliability for MVIS parameter was good in non-fallers group (ICC=0.94, SEM=7.86N) and fallers group (ICC=0.91, SEM=6.36N). The RFG parameter was characterized with a moderate reliability in non-fallers group (ICC=0.63, SEM=114.24N/s) and good reliability in fallers group (ICC=0.83, SEM=71.12N/s). Bland and Altman analysis revealed small mean differences between sessions for MVIS (fallers: 1.41N [LOA95%: −15.56;18.38] vs. non-fallers: 1.97N [LOA95%: −21.26;25.20]) and larger mean differences for RFG (fallers: 44.28N/s [LOA95%: −137.56;226.12] vs. non-fallers: −72.1N/s [LOA95%: −428.60;284.10]).


This standing approach is feasible to measure the hip abductors strength in older persons at risk of falls. Hip abductor strength assessment using a hand-held dynamometer provided consistent results when measured several times. For clinicians, this reliable test is easy to perform in daily use and interesting for testing the hip abductors strengths in a functional position.

Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.

Keywords : Elderly, Falls, Muscle strength, Hip, Abductor, Standing, Reliability


© 2017  Publié par Elsevier Masson SAS.
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Vol 60 - N° S

P. e50 - septembre 2017 Retour au numéro
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