
MicroRNA-4465 suppresses tumor proliferation and metastasis in non-small cell lung cancer by directly targeting the oncogene EZH2 - 15/12/17

Doi : 10.1016/j.biopha.2017.11.070 
Jian Sun a, Xin Tian a, Sheng-Qiang Lu b, , Hai-Bo Hu c,
a Department of Critical Care Medicine, Lishui Center Hospital, Lishui, Zhejiang, 323000, China 
b Department of Anesthesiology, Hubei Cancer Hospital, No 116 Zhuodaoquan South Load,Hongshan District Wuhan HuBei, China 
c Department of Thoracic Surgery, Huai’an Second People’s Hospital, The Affiliated Huai‘an Hospital of Xuzhou Medical University, Huai’an 223002, China 

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MicroRNA-26 (miR-26) has been reported to be connected with tumor progression. MicroRNA-4465 (miR-4465) was one member of miR-26 family, however, the role of miR-4465 in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) was unknown. This study was aimed to explore the function of miR-4465 and investigate whether miR-4465 can be a potential target for treating human NSCLC. QRT-PCR was applied to evaluate the miR-4465 expression levels in NSCLC cells. Then, we demonstrated the role of miR-4465 in NSCLC cells biological characteristics through detecting proliferation, migration and invasion. Luciferase reporter assay and TargetScan were applied to explore the potential target gene of miR-4465. In this study, we found that the miR-4465 expression levels in NSCLC cell lines were significantly reduced when compared to the normal human bronchial epithelial cell lines. And, over expression of miR-4465 could restrain the proliferation, migration and invasion of NSCLC. Moreover, MiR-4465 reduced EZH2 protein expression through the binding sites in 3′ -UTR of the EZH2 mRNA, indicating EZH2 may be a direct target gene of miR-4465. Conclusively, miR-4465 suppressed cancer cells proliferation and metastasis by directly targeting the oncogene EZH2 and it may serve as a new potential therapeutic target in NSCLC.

Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.

Keywords : NSCLC, miR-4465, EZH2, Proliferation, Invasion


© 2017  Publié par Elsevier Masson SAS.
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Vol 96

P. 1358-1362 - décembre 2017 Retour au numéro
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