
Promescent Has a Cytotoxic Impact on Fresh Human Sperm In Vitro - 11/04/18

Doi : 10.1016/j.urology.2017.12.027 
Melissa Sutton, Caitlin Hunn, Roxanne B. Summers-Colquitt, Shu-Hung Chen, Shahryar K. Kavoussi, Keikhosrow M. Kavoussi, Parviz K. Kavoussi *
 Department of Reproductive Urology and Andrology Laboratory, Austin Fertility & Reproductive Medicine/Westlake IVF, Austin, TX 

*Address correspondence to: Parviz K. Kavoussi, M.D., F.A.C.S., Department of Reproductive Urology and Andrology Laboratory, Austin Fertility & Reproductive Medicine/Westlake IVF, 300 Beardsley Lane, Building B, Suite 200, Austin, TX 78746.Department of Reproductive Urology and Andrology LaboratoryAustin Fertility & Reproductive Medicine/Westlake IVF300 Beardsley Lane, Building B, Suite 200AustinTX78746



To assess the impact of Promescent, a commonly used topical medication for premature ejaculation (PE), on human sperm motility, forward progression (FP), viability, and sperm DNA fragmentation (SDF) in vitro.

Materials and Methods

Aliquots from specimens for diagnostic semen analyses from patients (n = 20) presenting to a couple's fertility center andrology laboratory for fertility testing were included after the full diagnostic semen analyses were performed. Samples that met the World Health Organization's fifth edition criteria as “normal” had Promescent applied to an aliquot of the sample and motility, FP, viability, and SDF were compared with an aliquot that was not treated with Promescent. Institutional review board exemption was obtained. Statistical analysis was performed by Student t test with a P value of <.05 considered as statistically significant.


Promescent had a cytotoxic effect on sperm, which resulted in a statistically significant decrease in mean motility, FP, and viability as compared with corresponding control group samples, which did not have Promescent applied. There was no statistically significant difference in SDF between the 2 groups.


PE is estimated to affect up to 39% of men and is one of the most common self-reported male sexual disorders. There is an overlap among men with PE and those trying to achieve a pregnancy, and Promescent is a commonly used topical treatment for PE. Although there was no difference in SDF between the 2 groups, Promescent had a cytotoxic impact on sperm.

Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.


 Financial Disclosure: The authors declare that they have no relevant financial interests.
 Funding Support: There was no external source of funding for this work. The materials and work were provided by the practice with the in-house laboratory.
 Author Contributions: Melissa Sutton, M.S., and Caitlin Hunn, M.S.: substantial contributions to research design; acquisition, analysis, and interpretation of data; drafting; and critical revision of the paper. Roxanne B. Summers-Colquitt, M.Sc., Keikhosrow M. Kavoussi, M.D., and Shu-Hung Chen, M.S.: substantial contributions to research design, and acquisition, analysis, and interpretation of data. Shahryar K. Kavoussi, M.D., M.P.H., and Parviz K. Kavoussi, M.D.: substantial contributions to research design; the acquisition, analysis, and interpretation of data; drafting and critical revision of the paper; approval of the submitted and final versions.

© 2018  The Authors. Publié par Elsevier Masson SAS. Tous droits réservés.
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Vol 114

P. 95-98 - avril 2018 Retour au numéro
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