
Comparative assessment of the ability of a microwave absorber nanocatalyst in the microwave-assisted biodiesel production process - 11/06/18

Doi : 10.1016/j.crci.2018.04.003 
Hamed Nayebzadeh a, c, , Naser Saghatoleslami a, Mohammad Haghighi b, c, Mohammad Tabasizadeh d, Ehsan Binaeian e
a Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, P.O. Box 9177948974, Mashhad, Iran 
b Chemical Engineering Faculty, Sahand University of Technology, P.O. Box 51335-1996, Sahand New Town, Tabriz, Iran 
c Reactor and Catalysis Research Center (RCRC), Sahand University of Technology, P.O. Box 51335-1996, Sahand New Town, Tabriz, Iran 
d Department of Biosystems Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, P.O. Box 9177948974, Mashhad, Iran 
e Department of Chemical Engineering, Qaemshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qaemshahr, Iran 

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In this study, a carbon-supported KOH/Ca12Al14O33 nanocomposite was fabricated via the microwave combustion method, in which dextrose was used as a carbon source, and its activity in the microwave-assisted transesterification reaction as a microwave absorption material was assessed. The samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, thermogravimetry, Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET), field-emission scanning electron microscopy, and energy dispersive X-ray analyses. The results showed that the carbonate and noncarbonate samples had a calcium aluminate (Ca12Al14O33) structure as a support. Different carbon groups were formed during preparation of the carbon-supported KOH/Ca12Al14O33 nanocomposite, which improved its surface area and porosity. Although the samples presented similar basicity, the carbonated nanocomposite exhibited twice as much activity as the KOH/Ca12Al14O33 nanocatalyst for conversion of canola oil to biodiesel in the microwave-assisted transesterification reaction at 270 W microwave power. The nanocomposite with a larger pore size made active sites easily accessible and exhibited higher catalytic ability where the conversion of 98.8% was obtained under the optimized conditions of 270 W microwave power, methanol/oil molar ratio of 15, 4 wt% of the nanocomposite, and 30 min of reaction time. The carbon-supported nanocatalyst can be reused for at least four times with less reduction in activity. Furthermore, the obtained biodiesel showed that it met the standard values (EN 14214 and ASTM D-6751) with respect to the density, kinematic viscosity at 40 °C, acid number, and flash point.

Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.

Keywords : Combustion synthesis, Calcium aluminate, Carbonated nanocatalyst, Microwave irradiation, Biodiesel, Canola oil


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Vol 21 - N° 7

P. 676-683 - juillet 2018 Retour au numéro
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