
The effect of it convergence gamification training in community-dwelling older people: Pilot randomized controlled trial (RCT) study - 15/07/18

Doi : 10.1016/j.rehab.2018.05.797 
M.J. Shin 1, , C. Eun Gyeom 1, L. Eun Lee 2, C. Da Som 2, J. Myung Hun 1, K. Myoung-Hwan 3
1 Pusan National University School of Medicine & Pusan National University Hospita, Rehabilitation Medicine, Busan, Republic of Korea 
2 Pusan National University Hospital, Biomedical Research Institute, Busan, Republic of Korea 
3 Chonbuk National University Medical School, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Chonbuk, Republic of Korea 

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For the elderly, the reduction of motor function is natural phenomena, but requires a variety of concerns about how to slow down the rate of decline. Therefore, it is necessary to expand the exercise facilities or welfare facilities for the elderly, but the reality is suffering from space, cost problem and compliance.

In the case of elderly people, the social exercise and the medical exercise therapy should be distinguished, but the boundary is usually ambiguous. Furthermore, exercise for the elderly, whether preventive or therapeutic, should be provided as a public service, but this is also difficult.

Material and method

In this study, we tried to approach exercise therapy for improvement of elderly physical function such as walking, balance and flexibility etc. through gamification exercise equipment(Men&Tel, Korea, Balpro 110, Model No. SBT 110).

The elderly over 65 years of age were trained for 8 weeks (30minutes/3 times/week) and the functional ability was evaluated after 4 weeks of rest. Both groups were randomized. Group 1 exercises were performed by conventional method, and group 2 exercises were performed by IT convergence exercise equipment.


There were both functional improvement in group 1 (10 patients) using conventional exercise and group 2 (10 patients) using Balpro 110. In the first group, after 8 weeks of training, lower extremity muscle strength and balance ability, and body fat mass and skeletal muscle mass improved significantly. In the second group, leg strength, balance, mobility, walking abilities, flexibility, body fat and skeletal muscle mass were statistically significantly improved.


The results of this study suggest that the information technology convergence gamification device will be a supplementary tool for the exercise of the next generation elderly population and at the same time provide an opportunity to think about the future direction.

Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.

Keywords : IT convergence gamification training, Community-dwelling older people


© 2018  Publié par Elsevier Masson SAS.
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Vol 61 - N° S

P. e341 - juillet 2018 Retour au numéro
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