
Sarcopenic obesity derived from PET/CT predicts mortality in lymphoma patients undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation - 24/12/18

Doi : 10.1016/j.retram.2018.12.001 
J. Jabbour a, b, B. Manana c, A. Zahreddine d, C. Saade e, M. Charafeddine c, A. Bazarbachi d, D. Blaise f, g, J. El-Cheikh d,
a Department of Clinical Nutrition, American University of Beirut Medical Center, Beirut, Lebanon 
b Doctoral School of Life Sciences and Health, Aix Marseille Université, Marseille, France 
c Division of Hematology/Oncology, Department of Internal Medicine, American University of Beirut Medical Center, Beirut, Lebanon 
d Bone Marrow Transplantation Program, Department of Internal Medicine, American University of Beirut Medical Center, Beirut, Lebanon 
e Department of Radiology, American University of Beirut Medical Center, Beirut, Lebanon 
f Hematology Department, Transplantation Unit, Paoli Calmettes Institute, Marseille, France 
g Centre de Recherche sur le Cancer de Marseille (CRCM), Inserm U 1068, Marseille, France 

Corresponding author at: Department of Internal Medicine, American University of Beirut Medical Center, PO BOX 11-0236, Riad El-Solh, 1107-2020, Beirut, Lebanon.Department of Internal MedicineAmerican University of Beirut Medical CenterPO BOX 11-0236Riad El-SolhBeirut1107-2020Lebanon
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Sarcopenic Obesity (SO) is associated with worse survival among chemotherapy recipients. Research on SO is scarce among lymphoma patients receiving Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation (HSCT).


assess prevalence of SO pre-HSCT (T0) and 3 months post-HSCT (T1) in lymphoma patients and determine the power of SO at T0 and T1 in predicting survival.


Consecutive patients (age ≥16 years) having B and T cell lymphoma who underwent SCT and who had PET/CT scan pre-SCT and 3 months post SCT were included in the study. A cross sectional image was analyzed at the level of the 3rd Lumber Vertebrae to assess body composition parameters.


93 patients [mean age: 38 (range: 17–70 years), 52 (55.9%) males, 45 (48%) Hodgkin and 48 (52%) Non-Hodgkin lymphoma, 81 (87%) autologous and 12 (13%) allogeneic SCT)] met the inclusion criteria. From T0 to T1, Sarcopenia rates increased (27% at T0 to 38% at T1, p = 0.013), Visceral adiposity decreased (46% at T0 to 30% at T1, p = 0.03) and SO decreased (42% at T0 to 20% at T1, p < 0.01). Length of stay, overall survival and progression free survival were significantly better in patients without sarcopenic obesity at T1. Cox-regression revealed SO at T1 was a risk factor for mortality [Adjusted Hazards Ratio = 8.2 (95% Confidence Interval: 1.9–36.2)].


Sarcopenic obesity, prevalent in 42% of patients pre-HSCT, decreased 3 months post HSCT as lymphoma patients lost skeletal muscle and visceral adipose tissues. SO at T1 was the most impactful risk factor for mortality.

Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.

Keywords : Sarcopenic obesity, PET/CT, Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, Lymphoma


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