
Chiari malformations in adults: A single center surgical experience with special emphasis on the kinetics of clinical improvement - 11/02/19

Doi : 10.1016/j.neuchi.2018.10.010 
S.Y. Elhadji Cheikh Ndiaye a, b, , L. Troude b, M. Al-Falasi b, M. Faye a, A. Melot b, P.-H. Roche b
a Service de neurochirurgie, CHU Fann, Dakar, Senegal 
b Service de neurochirurgie, hôpital Nord, 13015 Marseille, France 

Corresponding author. Avenue Cheikh Anta DIOP, 5035 Dakar, Senegal.Avenue Cheikh Anta DIOPDakar5035Senegal
Sous presse. Épreuves corrigées par l'auteur. Disponible en ligne depuis le Monday 11 February 2019
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The Chiari malformation type I (CM-I) is the most commonly found type in adults. The efforts to further improve the treatment offered for these malformations are hampered by the existence of controversial methods and the absence of a uniform scoring system to evaluate clinical outcomes.


The goal of our study is to analyze the clinical and radiological data concerning patients operated for CM and to expose surgical techniques.

Patients and treatment

This is a retrospective study concerning patients of more than 16 years of age, operated on (from 2000 to 2016) in our institution. These patients underwent bony decompression of the cervico-occipital junction, with a duraplasty enlargement. Clinical and radiological follow-up was assessed sequentially.


The mean age of patients included in this study was 39. Headaches (n=19) and sensory disturbances (n=17) were the most common presenting complaints. Furthermore, syringomyelia symptoms were present in 34.5% of the cases (n=10). Twenty-three patients displayed a Chiari malformation of type I (79.3%), and six patients were classified as Chiari malformation type I.5 (20.7%). A syringomyelia was present in 58.6% of the cases (n=17). The postoperative complications that were encountered were: one case of pseudo-meningocele, two cases of cerebrospinal fluid leakage, two cases of meningitis, and one case of delayed wound healing. The mean follow-up period was 18 months, which showed beneficial outcomes in 82.8% of the cases (20.7% cured, and 62.1% improved) and an unfavorable outcome in 17.2% of the cases (13.8% stable patients and 3.4% worsened outcomes). Syringomyelia symptoms were improved in 60% of the patients. Among the patients who presented without a syrinx, 82.3% had good outcomes; and those who presented with a syrinx, 83.4% had good outcomes. Symptoms improved for 69% of patients within 3 months.


An optimal craniocervical osteo-dural decompression plus duraplasty offered early and sustainable good clinical results in symptomatic CM-I and CM-I.5 patients.

Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.

Keywords : Chiari malformation, Occipito-cervical decompression - Syringomyelia


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