
Texture analysis of trabecular bone around RM-Pressfit cementless acetabulum in a series of 46 patients during a 5 year period - 07/11/19

Doi : 10.1016/j.otsr.2019.06.011 
Augustin Coupry a, Louis Rony a, b, Florian Ducellier a, Laurent Hubert a, b, Daniel Chappard b,
a Département de chirurgie osseuse, CHU-Angers, 49033 Angers, France 
b Groupe Etudes Remodelage Osseux et bioMatériaux, GEROM, EA-4658, SFR-4208, Univ-Angers, IRIS-IBS Institut de Biologie en Santé, CHU-Angers, 49933 Angers, France 

Corresponding author at: GEROM, IRIS-IBS Institut de Biologie en Santé, Université d’Angers, CHU d’Angers, 49933 Angers cedex, France.GEROM, IRIS-IBS Institut de Biologie en Santé, Université d’Angers, CHU d’AngersAngers cedex49933France

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Graphical abstract

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Cementless total hip arthroplasty (THA) is a common procedure producing excellent clinical results. Their long-term survival is nevertheless burdened by loosening of the acetabular part caused by changes in the distribution of strains around the cup. In this context the RM-Pressfit® cup has been developed, resulting in a more harmonious distribution of the strains.


Texture analysis of X-ray films can evaluate the evolution of trabecular bone micro-architecture during the five years following THA with a RM-Pressfit® cup.

Material and method

A monocentric series of 46 hips was reviewed regularly within five years post- surgery. Radiographic evaluation of the operated hip was done on frontal digitized radiographs of the pelvis to follow evolution of bone micro-architecture in the #2 zone of De Lee and Charnley. Texture analysis using fractal algorithms was done at D0, 6 months, 1, 2 and 5 years post-THA. The fractal methods used included the skyscrapers and the dynamic blanket methods with 3 different structuring elements (a cross, a horizontal and a vertical vector).


The RM-Pressfit® caused significant changes in the distribution of strains around the acetabulum that preserved the bone volume over a 5-year period post-surgery. This corresponds to an improvement of the trabecular micro-architecture around the acetabular cups.


A statistically significant increase in the four fractal dimensions considered corresponded to an improved trabecular bone micro-architecture revealed by texture analysis, a non-invasive method that can be used on digitized X-ray images.

Level of evidence

IIIb, Case control study, retrospective design.

Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.

Keywords : Total hip arthroplasty, RM-Pressfit® acetabulum, Bone micro-architecture, Texture analysis


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Vol 105 - N° 7

P. 1283-1287 - novembre 2019 Retour au numéro
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