
Evaluation of robotic surgery for transoral resection of T1-2 squamous cell carcinoma of the tonsillar fossa - 07/02/20

Doi : 10.1016/j.anorl.2019.09.015 
K. Shenouda a, F. Rubin c, D. Garcia d, C. Badoual b, P. Bonfils a, O. Laccourreye a,
a Service d’otorhinolaryngologie, HEGP, université Paris-Descartes Sorbonne Paris-Cité, AP–HP, 20-40, rue Leblanc, 75015 Paris, France 
b Service d’anatomopathologie, HEGP, université Paris-Descartes Sorbonne Paris-Cité, AP–HP, 75015 Paris, France 
c Clinique St-Vincent, 97404 Saint-Denis cedex, Reunion 
d Clinique d’Arcachon, 33164, La Teste de Buch, France 

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To evaluate transoral robotic surgery (TORS) for isolated previously untreated squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the tonsillar fossa classified as T1-2.


Retrospective analysis of two cohorts of isolated untreated T1-2 tonsillar fossa SCC consecutively operated on by a transoral approach, with (R=21) and without (NR=24) robotic assistance, in the period 2006–2014. Three main (survival, local control, and operative morbidity) and three secondary (pathologic data, incidence and duration of tracheotomy and nasogastric intubation, and hospital stay) endpoints were compared between groups. The significance threshold was set at P< .005.


Three- and five-year actuarial survival estimates were 80.2% and 74.5% respectively in group R, and 91.5% and 82.5% respectively in group NR (NS: P=.34). Three- and five-year actuarial local control estimates were 90% and 90% respectively in group R, and 95.8% and 91% respectively in group NR (NS: P=.81). There were no significant differences in morbidity, tracheotomy/nasogastric intubation time, or hospital stay. Positive resection margins (R1) were noted in 38.1% and 16.7% in groups R and NR, respectively (NS: P=.05) without significant impact on 5-year actuarial local control (P=0.78).


Robotic assistance in transoral lateral oropharyngectomy for T1-2 tonsillar fossa SCC did not significantly impact oncologic or functional outcome.

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Keywords : Oropharynx, Tonsil, Cancer, Surgery, Transoral, Robotic


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Vol 137 - N° 1

P. 31-36 - janvier 2020 Retour au numéro
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