
Salidroside as a potential neuroprotective agent for ischemic stroke: a review of sources, pharmacokinetics, mechanism and safety - 28/08/20

Doi : 10.1016/j.biopha.2020.110458 
Fangfang Fan a, 1, Lu Yang b, 1, Rui Li b, Xuemei Zou a, Ning Li a, Xianli Meng b, , Yi Zhang a, , Xiaobo Wang b,
a Ethnic Medicine Academic Heritage Innovation Research Center, Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chengdu 611137, China 
b Innovative Institute of Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy, Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chengdu 611137, China 

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Comprehensively reviewed the natural sources and synthetic pathways of Salidroside.
Delineated pharmacokinetics, BBB permeability and safety of Salidroside.
Summarized the advances in anti-ischemic stroke mechanism of Salidroside.

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Salidroside (Sal) is a bioactive extract principally from traditional herbal medicine such as Rhodiola rosea L., which has been commonly used for hundreds of years in Asia countries. The excellent neuroprotective capacity of Sal has been illuminated in recent studies. This work focused on the source, pharmacokinetics, safety and anti-ischemic stroke (IS) effect of Sal, especially emphasizing its mechanism of action and BBB permeability. Extensive databases, including Pubmed, Web of science (WOS), Google Scholar and China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI), were applied to obtain relevant online literatures. Sal exerts powerful therapeutic effects on IS in experimental models either in vitro or in vivo due to its neuroprotection, with significantly diminishing infarct size, preventing cerebral edema and improving neurological function. Also, the findings suggest the underlying mechanisms involve anti-oxidation, anti-inflammation and anti-apoptosis by regulating multiple signaling pathways and key molecules, such as NF-κB, TNF-α and PI3K/Akt pathway. In pharmacokinetics, although showing a rapid absorption and elimination, bioavailability of Sal is elevated under some non-physiological conditions. The component and its metabolite (tyrosol) are capable of distributing to brain tissue and the later keeps a higher level of concentration. Moreover, Sal scarcely has obvious toxicity or side effects in a variety of animal experiments and clinical trials, but combination of drugs and perinatal use of medicine should be taken more attentions. Finally, as an active ingredient, not only is Sal isolated from diverse plants with limited yield, but also large batches of the products can be harvested by biological and chemical synthesis. With higher efficacy and better safety profiles, Sal could sever as a promising neuroprotectant for preventing and treating IS. Nevertheless, further investigations are still required to explore the pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic properties of Sal in the treatment of IS.

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Abbreviations : AAT, ADME, ARE, ALF, AUC, BBB, Bcl-2, BCS, BDNF, BMDMs, CAD, CBG, CCR, CYP450, DA, DOPAC, E-4-P, EB, Egrs, eNOS, EPO, FOXO1, FOXO3α, GSH-Px, GST, HBMECs, HIF, HO-1, HPA, HPLC, HSCCC, HVA, HXK, I/R, IAA, ICAM-1, IL-1β, IL-2, IL-6, IR, IS, IκBα, LDH, LiAlH4, LPS, M1, M2, MAO, MAP-2, MAPK, MCP-1, MIP-1α, MDA, MMP, MMPs, MSCs, MT, NAA, Nfr2, NF-κB, NOx, NSCs, NVU, OGD, ORF, PAL, PEP, PI3K/Akt, PTAL, RIP140, ROS, Sal, SalA-4 g, SGLT1, SIRT1, SOD, SULT, TAL, TCM, TH, TNF-α, tPA, TrkB, TUNEL, TyDC, Tyr, TyrDC, UDPG, UGT, VCAM-1, VEGF, WOS, ZO-1, 2,4-D, 4CL, 4-HPAA, 4HPAR, 4-HPPD, 6-BA, 8-OHdG

Keywords : Salidroside, Sources, Pharmacokinetics, Blood brain barrier, Ischemic stroke, Mechanism, Safety


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