
Histopathologic and dermoscopic features of 42 cases of folliculitis decalvans: A case series - 12/10/21

Doi : 10.1016/j.jaad.2020.03.092 
Masaki Uchiyama, MD, PhD , Kazutoshi Harada, MD, PhD, Rie Tobita, MD, Ryokichi Irisawa, MD, Ryoji Tsuboi, MD, PhD
 Department of Dermatology, Tokyo Medical University, Tokyo, Japan 

Reprint requests: Masaki Uchiyama, MD, PhD, Department of Dermatology, Tokyo Medical University, 6-7-1 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-0023, Japan.Department of DermatologyTokyo Medical University6-7-1 Nishi-ShinjukuShinjuku-kuTokyo160-0023Japan



Folliculitis decalvans (FD) is a form of inflamed primary cicatricial alopecia (PCA). FD is classified as a neutrophilic PCA; however, only a few previous studies have described its histopathology, including the assessment of systematically evaluated and quantified follicular changes in horizontally sectioned biopsy specimens with clinical and dermoscopic findings of the early and advanced stages.


We aimed to clarify the histopathologic and dermoscopic features of early and advanced active stage FD.


We conducted a case series study of 42 patients with FD by dermoscopy and both horizontally and vertically sectioned biopsy specimens.


The histopathologic findings of the early-stage lesions included loss of sebaceous glands; interfollicular acanthosis; and fibrosis with depressed, fused follicular infundibula showing thickened interfollicular keloid-like areas with tufted hairs on dermoscopy. Active lesions showed a greater number of hair clusters, clefting, and fused infundibula with dense inflammation predominantly in the upper follicles. Neutrophil-predominant infiltrates were observed in fewer than half of the patients, including those with early-stage lesions.


This was a retrospective study.


FD has the features of mixed-cell PCA. The features of early-stage FD are thickened interfollicular keloid-like areas with tufted hairs and loss of sebaceous glands.

Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.

Key words : alopecia, cicatricial alopecia, dermoscopy, folliculitis decalvans, histology, horizontal sections, scarring alopecia, transverse sections, trichoscopy, tufted folliculitis, vertical sections

Abbreviations used : FD, LPP, PCA


 Funding sources: None.
 Conflicts of interest: None disclosed.
 Presented orally at the 10th World Congress for Hair Research, Kyoto, Japan, November 1, 2017.
 IRB approval status: Reviewed and approved by the IRB of the Tokyo Medical University (approval no. 2017236).

© 2020  American Academy of Dermatology, Inc.. Publié par Elsevier Masson SAS. Tous droits réservés.
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Vol 85 - N° 5

P. 1185-1193 - novembre 2021 Retour au numéro
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