
Phototheranostics for NIR fluorescence image guided PDT/PTT with extended conjugation and enhanced TICT - 13/01/23

Doi : 10.1016/j.biopha.2022.114071 
Weitao Sun a, 1, Xuefeng Wang b, 1, Zhenyuan Cheng b, Xiaoyue Wang b, Na Fan b, Pingxuan Dong b, Ming qiong Tong a, b, Yanling Liu b, Wan Sun b,
a State Key Laboratory of Chemical Oncogenomics, Key Laboratory of Chemical Genomics, Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School, Shenzhen 518055, China 
b Shandong Provincial Engineering Laboratory of Novel Pharmaceutical Excipients, Sustained and Controlled Release Preparations, College of Medicine and Nursing, Dezhou University, Dezhou 253023, China 

Corresponding author.


Introducing donor and acceptor into conjugated system can facilitate the intersystem crossing (ISC) rate to increase the generation of ROS. Twisted intramolecular charge transfer (TICT) state could favor enhance the nonradiative transition and photothermal conversion efficiency (PCE). Herein, diketopyrrolopyrrole (DPP) core functionalized benzene (PDDP), thiophene (TDPP), triphenylamine-conjugated benzene (TPA-PDDP) and thiophene (TPA-TDPP) derivatives were designed and synthesized. Electrochemistry experiments revealed the heavy atom effect and the introduction of triphenylamine reduced the energy level of TPA-TDPP and improved the ability to generate 1O2 (1O2 QY = 50%). In addition, in the aggregated state, introduction of thiophene, triphenylamine, and long alkyl chains promoted the twisting effect, preventing the intermolecular π-π interaction and enhancing the PCE of TPA-TDPP (38.7%). In vivo fluorescence imaging showed that TPA-TDPP NPs can target the tumor site with the enhanced permeability and retention (EPR) effect and presented excellent synergistic photodynamic/photothermal therapy.

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Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.


Extending conjugation and enhancing TICT can enhance PDT and PTT.
Molecular rotor triphenylamine facilitated ISC rate and stabilized TICT state.
TPA-TDPP possesses great photothermal conversion efficiency (38.7%).
TPA-TDPP possesses great 1O2 production capacity (50%).
Fluorescence imaging/thermal imaging and multitherapy induce the potential application on anticancer.

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Keywords : Phototheranostics, NIR fluorescence, Photodynamic therapy, Photothermal therapy


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