
Assessment of the self-confidence of obstetrics & gynecology fellows to perform a postpartum hemostasis hysterectomy - 23/03/23

Doi : 10.1016/j.jogoh.2023.102548 
Ludivine Dion a, b, , Carla Sousa a, b, Guillaume Legendre c, Krystel Nyangoh-Timoh a, Maëla Le Lous a, Olivier Morel d, Vincent Lavoue a, b, Philippe Descamps c
a Rennes University Hospital, Department of Gynecology, Hôpital Sud, France 
b Irset - Inserm UMR_S 1085, Rennes, France 
c Angers University Hospital, Department of Gynecology, France 
d Nancy University Hospital, Department of Obstetrics, France 

Corresponding author.



Hemostasis Hysterectomy (HH) is a last resort surgical procedure performed in situations of uncontrolled post-partum hemorrhage in maternity wards. The chances of being confronted with this situation are scarce during residency, and the situation is not well suited for teaching. Nevertheless, every obstetrician-gynecologist can be confronted with this stressful situation, and should therefore possess the surgical competence required, regardless of his routine practice. The aim of the present study is to evaluate clinical exposure and self-awareness concerning HH amongst obstetrics and gynecology residents and fellows.

Materiel and methods

We performed a survey amongst French obstetrics and gynecology fellows. An anonymous survey was sent by email between December 1, 2020 to July 1, 2021.


Half of the interrogated fellows had practiced (as operator) an HH during residency with a senior and only 22,6% in post-residency. During the last year of residency 70% of them had performed less than 10 scheduled hysterectomies as primary operator. The laparoscopic approach was the most frequently practiced. Very few hysterectomies were performed as primary operator. Fellows with a surgical or mixed activity (both gynecological surgery and obstetrical activity in current practice) felt significantly more capable of performing HH compared to those with exclusive obstetrical or reproductive medicine activity; respectively 60% vs 36%, p = 0.008; Odds Ratio: 2.629 (95% CI 1.2214; 5.8094).


The number of scheduled hysterectomies or HH performed as primary operator is very low during residency or fellowship. It remains largely inferior to the number deemed necessary in previous publications about the learning curve for scheduled hysterectomy, which varies from 18 to 80 interventions. Nowadays, the increasing number of residents, added to the decrease of hemostasis hysterectomies through better management of post-partum hemorrhage, pushes towards the development of specific training, such as “damage control simulation”.

Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.

Keywords : Hemostasis hysterectomy, Learning curve, Residency, Training


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Vol 52 - N° 4

Article 102548- avril 2023 Retour au numéro
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