
20(S)-ginsenoside Rh2 inhibits angiotensin-2 mediated cardiac remodeling and inflammation associated with suppression of the JNK/AP-1 pathway - 04/12/23

Doi : 10.1016/j.biopha.2023.115880 
Tianxiang Yu a, b, Jiachen Xu b, Qinyan Wang b, Xue Han a, b, Yu Tu a, Yi Wang b, Wu Luo b, d, Mengyang Wang a, c, , Guang Liang a, b,
a Department of Pharmacy and Institute of Inflammation, Zhejiang Provincial People's Hospital, Affiliated People's Hospital, Hangzhou Medical College, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310014, China 
b Chemical Biology Research Center, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Wenzhou Medical University, Wenzhou, Zhejiang 325035, China 
c Department of Pharmacology, College of Pharmacy, Beihua University, Jilin, Jilin132013, China 
d Department of Cardiology, the First Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University, Wenzhou, Zhejiang 325035, China 

Corresponding authors at: Department of Pharmacy and Institute of Inflammation, Zhejiang Provincial People's Hospital, Affiliated People's Hospital, Hangzhou Medical College, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310014, China.Department of Pharmacy and Institute of Inflammation, Zhejiang Provincial People's Hospital, Affiliated People's Hospital, Hangzhou Medical CollegeHangzhouZhejiang310014China



Enhanced levels of angiotensin-2 (Ang-II) causes hypertensive heart failure (HHF) through non-hemodynamical and hemodynamical alterations. 20(S)-ginsenoside Rh2 (20(S)-Rh2) is a natural ginseng compound with numerous cardiovascular benefits. This investigation elucidates the influence of 20(S)-Rh2 on Ang-II-induced heart failure and cardiac alterations.


Ang-II was administered in C57BL/6 mice for 4 weeks to induce HHF. In the last 2 weeks of treatment, 20(S)-Rh2 was orally administered in mice to assess the potential 20(S)-Rh2 mechanism. Subsequently, RNA sequencing was carried out.


It was indicated that 20(S)-Rh2 suppresses myocardial fibrosis, hypertrophy, and inflammation, thereby inhibiting cardiac disruption in Ang-II-challenged mice without affecting blood pressure. According to the RNA sequencing data, this cardio-protective effect was linked with the (JNK)/AP 1 pathway. 20(S)-Rh2 alleviated heart tissue and cardiomyocytes inflammation by inhibiting the Ang-II-mediated JNK/AP-1 pathway. Within cardiomyocytes, JNK or AP-1 absence abolished the anti-inflammatory effects of 20(S)-Rh2.


This study investigation indicated that 20(S)-Rh2 prevents cardiovascular dysfunction induced by Ang-II induced by decreasing JNK-regulated inflammatory responses, providing evidence for its use as an efficient regimen for HHF.

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Keywords : 20(S)-ginsenoside Rh2, Angiotensin II, C-Jun N-terminal kinase, Inflammation, Hypertensive heart failure


© 2023  The Authors. Publié par Elsevier Masson SAS. Tous droits réservés.
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