
Impaired interferon response in plasmacytoid dendritic cells from children with persistent wheeze - 04/04/24

Doi : 10.1016/j.jaci.2023.11.920 
Isabelle Coenen, BSc (Hons) a, , Emma de Jong, PhD a, , Anya C. Jones, PhD a, b, Siew-Kim Khoo, BSc (Hons) a, Shihui Foo, BSc (Hons) c, Shanshan Wu Howland, PhD c, Florent Ginhoux, PhD c, Peter N. Le Souëf, MD a, b, Patrick G. Holt, PhD, DSc a, Deborah H. Strickland, PhD a, Ingrid A. Laing, PhD a, b, Jonatan Leffler, PhD a,
a Wal-yan Respiratory Research Centre, Telethon Kids Institute, University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia 
b School of Medicine, University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia 
c Singapore Immunology Network (SIgN), Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A∗STAR), Singapore, Republic of Singapore 

Corresponding author: Jonatan Leffler, PhD, Telethon Kids Institute, Perth Children’s Hospital, 15 Hospital Ave, Nedlands, WA 6009, Australia.Telethon Kids InstitutePerth Children’s Hospital15 Hospital AveNedlandsWA6009Australia

Graphical abstract

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Impaired interferon response and allergic sensitization may contribute to virus-induced wheeze and asthma development in young children. Plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs) play a key role in antiviral immunity as critical producers of type I interferons. pDCs also express the high-affinity IgE receptor through which type I interferon production may be negatively regulated. Whether antiviral function of pDCs is associated with recurrent episodes of wheeze in young children is not well understood.


We sought to evaluate the phenotype and function of circulating pDCs in children with a longitudinally defined wheezing phenotype.


We performed multiparameter flow cytometry on PBMCs from 38 children presenting to the emergency department with an acute episode of respiratory wheeze and 19 controls. RNA sequencing on isolated pDCs from the same individuals was also performed. For each subject, their longitudinal exacerbation phenotype was determined using the Western Australia public hospital database.


We observed a significant depletion of circulating pDCs in young children with a persistent phenotype of wheeze. The same individuals also displayed upregulation of the FcεRI on their pDCs. Based on transcriptomic analysis, pDCs from these individuals did not mount a robust systemic antiviral response as observed in children who displayed a nonrecurrent wheezing phenotype.


Our data suggest that circulating pDC phenotype and function are altered in young children with a persistent longitudinal exacerbation phenotype. Expression of high-affinity IgE receptor is increased and their function as major interferon producers is impaired during acute exacerbations of wheeze.

Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.

Key words : Childhood asthma, plasmacytoid dendritic cells, IgE, interferon response, recurrent excerbations of wheeze

Abbreviations used : cDC2, DEG, FcεRI, IFN-I, MAVRIC, PC, pDC, RV, TLR, Treg


© 2023  The Authors. Publié par Elsevier Masson SAS. Tous droits réservés.
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Vol 153 - N° 4

P. 1083-1094 - avril 2024 Retour au numéro
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