
P03-290 - The information viruses model in genesis of schizophrenia - 05/05/11

Doi : 10.1016/S0924-9338(11)73164-9 
B. Mykhaylov
Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Kharkiv, Ukraine 


Based analysis the theoretical revive and clinical observation the new conceptual ethiopathogenic model of schizophrenia was developed. The analysis more then 1000 references on a schizophrenia problem was conducted. Also 350 schizophrenic patients and 250 patients with a psychoorganic pathology stipulated diffuse and local cerebral defeats are subjected complex clinico-pathological, instrumental and biochemical investigation. The analysis of literary dates has shown, that the intrinsic performance pathological signs for want of schizophrenia consists in pathological violations of a mental orb. For want of it without dependence from theoretical premises and methodological base all contributors unequivocally describe a pathology of a mental orb in frameworks of enough specific violation of thinking, orbs of perceptions and is emotional - affective orbs. Actually violation of processes of an information inside an information system, which is represented by a mental orb of each person and interaction mechanisms with visible information space. In a structure of the psychopathological signs connection with structurally functional cerebral defeats, as system, and also levels is traced. In a structure schizophrenia signs such connection is not present, and attempt to find it have a frankly speculative character. The structural analysis signs of schizophrenia and its changes testifies to progressing structural - dynamic violation of process of information processing. It has enabled to justify the concept ethiopathogenic of schizophrenia owing to existence of information viruses (in difference with biological viruses). In this occasion new psychotherapeutic psychological, psychopharmacological correctional complex were established.

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Vol 26 - N° S1

P. 1459 - 2011 Retour au numéro
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