
Two-year study of relapse prevention by a new education program in schizophrenic patients treated with the same antipsychotic drug - 28/05/11

Doi : 10.1016/j.eurpsy.2007.09.003 
Jean-Paul Chabannes a, Nadine Bazin b, Denis Leguay c, Philippe Nuss d, Charles-Siegfried Peretti d, Patrick Tatu e, Ahcene Hameg f, Ricardo P. Garay g, , Maurice Ferreri d
a Saint Egreve Hospital, Grenoble, France 
b Department of Psychiatry, Mignot Hospital, Versailles, France 
c Cesame Hospital, Angers, France 
d Department of Psychiatry, Hospital Center of Saint Antoine, AP-HP, Université Paris VI, Paris, France 
e Department of Psychiatry, Centre Hospital Centre of Saint Etienne, Saint Etienne, France 
f Psychiatric Department, Sanofi-Aventis, Paris, France 
g EA2381, Université Paris VII, Paris, France 

Corresponding author. 46bis, rue du Maréchal Galliéni, 91360 Villemoisson-sur-Orge, France.

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It is not clear whether patient's psycho-education enhances compliance to antipsychotic treatments and reduces the number of relapses. Here we investigated the impact of a new psycho-educational program (SOLEDUC®) on the one- and two-years rate of relapse (primary outcome measure) and a number of clinical assessments (secondary outcome measures). This was a multicentric French clinical trial (51 centers) of Phase IV, open, controlled, randomized, consisting in two parallel groups: the Soleduc group (N=111) and the control group (N=109). All subjects received a variable dose over the 2-year period of the same antipsychotic drug (amisulpride). Soleduc consisted of a 7-session program (1h per session), presented three times (at baseline, 6-months and 12-months). Patients in the control group received a non-specific psychosocial training for an equivalent period of time. The models of Andersen-Gill (AG) and Prentice, Williams and Peterson (PWP) were used to analyze relapses. Patients in the Soleduc group attended 14.8±6.1 sessions (mean±SD), including 17 patients who never attended a session. Intent to treat analysis showed less patients relapsing in the Soleduc group as compared to the control group (21.6% versus 28.4% after 1year and 84.4% versus 90.8% after 2years), but the differences were not statistically significant. Relapse risk was significantly reduced for patients who followed at least 7 modules (p=0.015 AG-test; p<0.001 PWP-test). In conclusion, no significant differences in relapse rates were found between patients attending the Soleduc program and the control group. Attendance of at least 7 out of 21 program sessions was required to see a modest, but significant two-year relapse prevention in schizophrenia. Other well designed studies are required to evaluate the medical impact of patient's education programs.

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Keywords : Schizophrenia, Relapse, Patient education, Psycho-educational programs, Amisulpride


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Vol 23 - N° 1

P. 8-13 - janvier 2008 Retour au numéro
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