
The role of lymphocytes in allergic disease - 04/09/11

Doi : 10.1067/mai.2000.104575 
Sergio Romagnani, MD
Section of Clinical Immunology, Allergy, and Respiratory Disorders, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Florence, Florence, Italy 


In the last few years strong evidence has accumulated to suggest that allergen-reactive type-2 T helper (TH2) cells play an important role in the induction and maintenance of the allergic inflammatory cascade. First, cytokines and chemokines produced by TH2 cells (GM-CSF, IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, IL-9, IL-10, IL-13, macrophage-derived chemokine) and those produced by other cell types in response to TH2 cytokines or as a reaction to TH2-related tissue damage (eotaxin, transforming growth factor-β, IL-11) account for most pathophysiologic aspects of allergic disorders (production of IgE antibodies; recruitment or activation of mast cells, basophils, and eosinophils; mucus hypersecretion; subepithelial fibrosis; and tissue remodeling). The TH2 hypothesis may also explain the complex genetic background responsible for allergic disorders. Several genes are involved in the development and regulation of TH2 cells and may provide the reason why the prevalence of atopic allergy is increasing in Western countries. Indeed, a dramatic change has occurred in the last several decades in the “microbial” environment of children, thus probably altering the balance between TH1 and TH2 responses to “innocuous” antigens (allergens) in favor of TH2 responses. Finally, the TH2 hypothesis offers exciting opportunities for the development of novel immunotherapeutic strategies targeted to address allergen-specific TH2 cells or TH2-derived effector molecules in atopic individuals. (J Allergy Clin Immunol 2000;105:399-408.)

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Keywords : TH1/TH2 cells,, atopy, cytokines, chemokines, hygiene hypothesis, oligodeoxynucleotides, allergy, asthma, allergic rhinitis

Abbreviations : APC:, DC:, Dp:, LAG-3:, LIF:, MDC:, NF-AT:, NIP45:, NK:, ODN:, STAT:, TCR:, TGF-β:, TH1:, TH2:


 Supported by grants from Consiglio Nazionale Ricerche (National Research Council) and from Instituto Superiore Sanita (Superior Institute of Health).
 New Millennium series supported by a grant from Novartis Pharmaceutical Corp. East Hanover, NJ.
 Reprint requests: Sergio Romagnani, MD, Department of Internal Medicine, Section of Clinical Immunology, Allergy, and Respiratory Disorders, University of Florence, Viale Morgagni 85, Florence 50134, Italy.

© 2000  Mosby, Inc. Tous droits réservés.
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Vol 105 - N° 3

P. 399-408 - mars 2000 Retour au numéro
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  • The Editors’ Choice
  • Donald Y.M. Leung, Harold S. Nelson, Stanley J. Szefler
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  • The diagnostic evaluation, treatment, and prevention of allergic contact dermatitis in the new millennium
  • Donald V. Belsito

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