
Effect of reverse photoperiod on in vitro regeneration and piperine production in Piper nigrum L. - 20/01/14

Doi : 10.1016/j.crvi.2013.10.011 
Nisar Ahmad a, , Bilal Haider Abbasi a , Hina Fazal b , Mubarak Ali Khan a , Muhammad Siddique Afridi b
a Department of biotechnology, Faculty of Biological Sciences, Quaid-i-Azam University, 45320 Islamabad, Pakistan 
b Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (PCSIR) Laboratories Complex, 25120 Peshawar, Pakistan 

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In this study, a novel approach for in vitro regeneration of Piper nigrum L. has been applied in order to increase healthy biomass, phytochemicals and piperine production via reverse photoperiod (16hD/8hL). Leaf portions of the seed-derived plants were placed on an MS-medium fortified with different PGRs. Under 16hD/8hL, thidiazuron (TDZ; 4.0mg L−1) and BA (1.5mg L−1) was found to be the most effective (<90%) in callus induction. Two concentrations (1.5, 2.0mg L−1) of the IBA produced>80% shoots from callus cultures. Healthy shoots were transferred to rooting medium and higher percentage of rooting (<90%) was observed on IBA (1.5mg L−1). These in vitro tissues were subjected to amino acid analysis, spectrophotometry, and HPLC. ARG, SER, THR, and TYR were the most abundant components out of 17 amino acids. Higher amino acid production was observed under normal photoperiod (16hL/8hD) than under reverse photoperiod (16hD/8hL). The highest total phenolic content (TPC; 9.91mg/g-DW) and flavonoid content (7.38mg/g-DW) were observed in callus cultures incubated under 16hL/8hD than other tissues incubated under 16hD/8hL photoperiod. Higher DPPH and PoMo activities were observed in tissues incubated under 16hL/8hD photoperiod, while ABTS and Fe2+ chelating activities were found higher in tissues incubated under reverse photoperiod. Significant quantities of piperine content were observed in all tissues except callus cultures. These results suggest that reverse photoperiod is a promising approach for callus induction, phytochemicals and piperine production for commercial applications.

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Keywords : Piper nigrum, Reverse photoperiod, Regeneration, Amino acid, Total phenolic content, Flavonoids, Antioxidants, HPLC, Piperine

Abbreviations : BA, GA3, NAA, 2,4 D, IBA, IAA, TDZ, MS0, PGRs, MS, HgCl2, v/v, g/L, mg/L, °C, ASP, THR, SER, GLU, PRO, VAL, MEt, ILE, LEU, TYR, PHE, HIS, LYS, AMO, ARG, GLY, ALA, LSD, Mg/g-DW, HPLC, ROS, DPPH, ABTS, PoMo


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Vol 337 - N° 1

P. 19-28 - janvier 2014 Retour au numéro
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