
Acute Bladder and Small Bowel Perforation as a Complication of Foley Catheterization - 27/02/14

Doi : 10.1016/j.urology.2013.11.022 
Gregory Amend a, Bradley A. Morganstern a, , Simpa S. Salami a, Daniel M. Moreira a, Oksana Yaskiv b, Sammy Elsamra a
a North Shore-LIJ Hofstra School of Medicine, The Smith Institute for Urology, NY 
b Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, North Shore-LIJ Hofstra School of Medicine, NY 

Reprint requests: Bradley A. Morganstern, M.D., North Shore-LIJ Hofstra School of Medicine, The Smith Institute for Urology, 450 Lakeville Road, Suite M41, New Hyde Park, NY 11042.


The complications of chronic urethral catheterization are well documented in the medical published data. Chronic urethral catheterization has been demonstrated to cause inflammatory changes within the bladder wall, promoting perforation and small bowel fistualization. In this report, we document the clinical course of a patient who presented with acute perforation of the bladder and small bowel as a result of Foley catheterization. To our knowledge, this is the first documented acute perforation of the bladder and the small bowel during Foley catheterization.

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 Financial Disclosure: The authors declare that they have no relevant financial interests.

© 2014  Elsevier Inc. Tous droits réservés.
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Vol 83 - N° 3

P. e5-e6 - mars 2014 Retour au numéro
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