
Screening for cancers of the cervix and vagina for women exposed to diethylstilbestrol (DES) in utero - 20/08/21

Doi : 10.1016/j.jogoh.2020.102042 
Michel Tournaire a, , Emmanuel Devouche b, Nathalie Lafaye c, Anne Levadou c
a Assistance Publique- Hôpitaux de Paris, université de Paris, France 
b Laboratoire de Psychopathologie et Processus de Santé (UR4057), université de Paris, France 
c Association Réseau DES France, France 

Corresponding author at: 1052 Rue de la Ferme de Carboué, 40000, Mont de Marsan, France.1052 Rue de la Ferme de CarbouéMont de Marsan40000France

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The consequences of DES exposure in utero are not over but are changing.
Women exposed in utero should be screened annually (cervix and vagina) by cytology.
Screening should continue after 65 years of age and after hysterectomy.
Patient associations play an increasing role in informing professionals.

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In total, 80,000 women were exposed to diethylstilbestrol (DES) in utero in France (DES daughters) between 1950 and 1977. After having been dominated by the management of infertility and pregnancy accidents, monitoring must adapt to the increased risk of cancer of the cervix and vagina: doubling of the frequency of severe dysplasia and a risk of late clear-cell adenocarcinoma (CCA). Two recent changes in cervical cancer screening in France, the introduction of HPV tests in first-line screening and organized screening, should consider the particular situation of DES daughters. We aimed to assess the compliance of DES daughters with previous recommendations and propose specific screening practices in the new context.


A non-profit organization carried out a questionnaire survey of its members who were exposed to DES in utero.


Among the 570 participants, 64 % had annual PAP tests, 25 % within the last three years, and 11 % more than three years before or never. The reasons for "dropout" were: 1) ignorance of the recommendations by practitioners (38 %) or patients (30 %), 2) fatigue (32 %) or apprehension of the exams (14 %), and 3) difficult access to care: time to get an appointment (26 %), difficulty in finding a doctor (28 %), or cost (6 %).


These results concern women who were sufficiently aware of the issue to be a member of an association. They are encouraging but show a need to improve the dissemination of information to all “DES daughters” and health professionals. Patient associations can play a growing role in this “rare disease” by addressing patients and healthcare professionals. We propose that screening for these women include an annual screen of not only the cervix, but also the vagina, and that it continues beyond 65 years of age and after hysterectomy, with cytological examination, because ACC is unrelated to HPV.

Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.

Abbreviations : ACS, CCA, CDC, CIN, DES, HAS, HPV, INCa, NCI

Keywords : Diethylstilbestrol, DES, Uterus cervix cancers, Vaginal cancers, Clear cell adenocarcinoma (CCA), Cancer screening


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Vol 50 - N° 7

Article 102042- septembre 2021 Retour au numéro
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