
Advantages and limitations of online communities of patients for research on health products - 01/03/17

Doi : 10.1016/j.therap.2016.11.058 
Sophie Ravoire a, , Marie Lang b, Elena Perrin c

the participants of Giens XXXII Round Table No. 6

Antoine Audry d, Pascal Bilbault e, Michael Chekroun f, Lauren Demerville g, Thierry Escudier h, Laure Guéroult-Accolas i, Caroline Guillot j, Muriel Malbezin k, Philippe Maugendre l, Joëlle Micallef m, Mathieu Molimard n, François Montastruc o, Evelyne Pierron p, Lionel Reichardt q, Frantz Thiessard r
d Medtronic France, 92513 Boulogne-Billancourt, France 
e Boehringer-Ingelheim France, 51721 Reims, France 
f Carenity, 75008 Paris, France 
g AP–HP, DRCD, 75010 Paris, France 
h Institut de Recherche Pierre-Fabre, 31035 Toulouse, France 
i Association Patients en Réseau, 78100 Saint-Germain-en-Laye, France 
j Diabète LAB, 75012 Paris, France 
k Hospices Civils de Lyon, DRCI, 69229 Lyon, France 
l Sanofi, 94255 Gentilly, France 
m Hôpital de la Timone, AP–HM, 13005 Marseille, France 
n Université de Bordeaux, CHU de Bordeaux, 33076 Bordeaux, France 
o Université de Toulouse, CHU de Toulouse, 31000 Toulouse, France 
p EP Consultants, 75009 Paris, France 
q 7C'S Health, 92190 Meudon, France 
r ISPED, Université de Bordeaux, CHU de Bordeaux, 33000 Bordeaux, France 

a SR Consulting, 54, rue Sébastien-Mercier, 75015 Paris, France 
b GCS CNCR, 75014 Paris, France 
c Lilly France, 92521 Neuilly-sur-Seine, France 

Corresponding author.

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The way patients and their caregivers share information on various online platforms about health topics and their own experiential knowledge presents new potential environments for research, particularly as concerns health products. The information provided individually and voluntarily by patients who are members of these online communities is a new resource for identifying and understanding precisely how health products are used, assessing their effectiveness, quantifying potential adverse effects in real-life situations, detecting subtle signs that are significant for experts in pharmacovigilance and addiction studies, and developing new assessment tools to help form new working hypotheses. How patients freely express their experiences and feelings and the reality of what they share also opens the way for societal research into health products, a field that is still under-explored. Well-established regulations govern research into health products, which uses resources and methodologies that have changed little over the years. However, the development of online communities of patients presents new possibilities in this field. The challenge we face today is defining their place among traditional research techniques. This place cannot be accepted by all stakeholders unless we first establish a firm understanding of the advantages, limitations, and constraints of these communities. The round table on this topic endeavoured to: explore these issues and develop a better understanding of the phenomenon and the different varieties of online communities and networks for patients; identify possible advantages, special features, and methodological, regulatory, and ethical limitations that researchers currently face; and finally, to put forward the first recommendations in this growing field of research.

Il testo completo di questo articolo è disponibile in PDF.

Keywords : France, Research into health products, Social networks, Virtual communities, Online communities, Patients, Pharmacovigilance, Addiction vigilance, Online data, Post-inscription, Pharmacoepidemiology


 Articles, analyses and proposals from Giens workshops are those of the authors and do not prejudice the proposition of their parent organization.

© 2017  Société française de pharmacologie et de thérapeutique. Pubblicato da Elsevier Masson SAS. Tutti i diritti riservati.
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Vol 72 - N° 1

P. 135-143 - Febbraio 2017 Ritorno al numero
Articolo precedente Articolo precedente
  • Intérêts et limites des communautés virtuelles de patients pour la recherche sur les produits de santé
  • Sophie Ravoire, Marie Lang, Elena Perrin
| Articolo seguente Articolo seguente
  • Quels sont les principaux faits marquants des 8 ans de suivi d’addictovigilance de la méthadone ?
  • Élisabeth Frauger, Michel Spadari, Liselotte Pochard, Nathalie Fouilhé Sam-Laï, Émilie Jouanjus, Michel Mallaret, Joëlle Micallef, French Addictovigilance Network (FAN)

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