
SARS Cov2 outbreak management on a landing helicopter dock: An observational retrospective study - 05/08/21

Doi : 10.1016/j.idnow.2021.06.303 
Johan Schmitt a, , Emmanuel Genet b, Marc Danguy Des Deserts a, Sophie Chauvet-Atin c, Pierre-Julien Cungi c, Philippe Aries a, Christophe Giacardi a, Sophie Vellieux d
a Intensive Care Unit, Military Teaching Hospital Clermont Tonnerre, rue Colonel Fourrier, 29200 Brest, France 
b Medical Unit, 2e Military Legion Corps, Nimes, France 
c Medical Unit, International Medical Centre, Abidjan, Ivory Coast 
d Medical Unit, Land Helicopter Dock Dixmude, Toulon, France 

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This study provides key findings about managing a SARS Cov2 outbreak in an austere environment.
The study population was composed of young and healthy military seamen who met conventional standards for sea duty.
A bundle of global and personal measures should be followed in such a context.

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Even though SARS Cov2 outbreak management has been well-described, scant information is available in military settings. We aimed to describe a SARS Cov2 outbreak and its management on the Dixmude, a French landing helicopter dock.

Patients and methods

We performed an observational retrospective and monocentric study in a ship. Role 1 was reinforced by additional roles 1 and 2. Our analysis included all infected crew personnel. We described demographic data, outbreak course, and biological samples including Covid-19 diagnosis. All infected patients were monitored for 10 days.


Between February 16th 2021 and March 12th 2021, 54 patients (10% of the entire crew) were included. No patient had previously been vaccinated against SARS Cov2. The global mission was maintained. The crew members were healthy, male, and young (median age 28 years) with no medical history. Ranks of every status were concerned. Covid-19 disease was mainly diagnosed by real-time reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (rt-PCR). Thirty-two patients (59%) were symptomatic, four (8%) were presymptomatic and 18 (33%) remained asymptomatic.


The present work describes specific SARS Cov2 outbreak management in an austere military environment. Early individual and global measures were set and implemented on board.

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Keywords : Austere environment, Covid-19, Landing helicopter dock, SARS Cov2


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Vol 51 - N° 5

P. 424-428 - Agosto 2021 Ritorno al numero
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