
Assessment of version 2.5 of QMAC-dRAST for rapid antimicrobial susceptibility testing with reduced sample-to-answer turnaround time and an integrated expert system - 05/08/21

Doi : 10.1016/j.idnow.2020.10.005 
Patrick Grohs , Simon Picard, Jean-Luc Mainardi, Isabelle Podglajen
 Microbiology department, Georges-Pompidou European Hospital, AP–HP, Centre – Université de Paris, Paris, France 

Correspondence. Service de Microbiologie, Hôpital Européen Georges-Pompidou, 20–40, rue Leblanc, 75015 Paris, France.Service de Microbiologie, Hôpital Européen Georges-Pompidou20–40, rue LeblancParis75015France

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The accuracy of the QMAC-dRAST V2.5 for AST results is similar to that of QMAC-dRAST V2.0.
The time required to obtain AST results using QMAC-dRAST V2.5 has been reduced.
The expert system takes natural antibiotic resistances into account.

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To assess the performance of the new rapid antimicrobial susceptibility testing (AST) QMAC-dRAST V2.5 system.


ASTs were performed using QMAC-dRAST-V2.5 and a disk diffusion method, directly from positive blood bottles with Gram-negative bacteria. Discrepancies between the results obtained using the two methods were categorized into very major errors (VME, S with dRAST vs. R with disk diffusion), major errors (ME, R vs. S, respectively), minor errors (mE, S vs. I or I vs. R, respectively), and very minor errors (Vme, I vs. S or R vs. I, respectively). For each AST, results were recorded after 4, 5, and 6h of incubation.


From 106 bacteremia, 1416 individual AST results were obtained. Overall agreement between results using the two methods was 91%, ranging from 76.9% to 99.1% depending upon the antibiotic, with 128 errors, i.e. 14/1416 (1%) VME, 59/1416 (4.2%) ME, 25/1416 (1.8%) mE and 30/1416 (2.1%) Vme. VMEs were encountered for Klebsiella sp and Serratia marcescens isolates with low-level piperacillin and amikacin resistance, respectively. Using the integrated QMAC-dRAST-V2.5 expert system, all 14 VMEs and 3 mEs were eliminated, leading to 92.2% categorical agreement. After 45min of pre-incubation in the QMAC-dRAST-V2.5 device, 22.2% of the 1416 AST results were obtained after 4h, an additional 31.4% after 5h and a further 46.3% after 6h.


QMAC-dRAST-V2.5 is an optimized version of QMAC-dRAST V2.0, particularly with respect to utilization of an expert system and reduced TAT according to the antibiotic tested.

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Keywords : QMAC-dRAST, Automated antimicrobial susceptibility testing, Gram-negative bacteria, Blood culture, Bacteremia


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Vol 51 - N° 5

P. 470-476 - Agosto 2021 Ritorno al numero
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