T05-O-09 Strong association between androgen deficiency and low urinary tract symptoms in men - 27/06/08

Doi : 10.1016/S1158-1360(08)72745-2 
I. Korneyev , S. Glasnyova, S. Al-Shukri
State Pavlov Medical University, St.Petersburg, Russia 

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To evaluate the correlation between symptoms of androgen deficiency and low urinary tract symptoms in men.

Patients and methods

53 consecutive male patients (age 31-76 years, mean 58,2±1,5) with low urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) without hypogonadal complaints were asked to answer International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS), IPSS Quality of life (L) and Ageing Male Symptoms (AMS) questionnaires. Males with symptoms of hypogonadism were advised to check testosterone level. The correlations between patients’age, symptoms of androgen deficiency and low urinary tract symptoms were investigated by statistical analysis.


All patients filled the questionnaires. The mean IPSS, L, irritative and obstructive scores, AMS value and mean values of AMS sexological, somatic and psychological domains were found. All variables correlated with patients’age. The majority of men had symptoms of androgen deficiency. The mean AMS value was closely associated with IPSS, L, obstructive and irritative scores (p<0,001). The AMS sexological domain index was associated with IPSS, L and irritative symptom score (p<0,010), the AMS somatic index was associated with IPSSL, obstructive and irritative symptom scores (p<0,003), the AMS psychological domain index was related to IPSS, IPSS L and irritative symptoms score (p<0,003). In regression analysis the impact of AMS in IPSS value was found independent of the patientʼs age. During the 30 days-period 16(30%) patients initiated testosterone check proved their hypogonadism. Compared to other men they had got lower IPSSL value (p=0,002).


Androgen deficiency is common in men with LUTS and may have an independent influence on the degree of disuria.

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Vol 17 - N° S1

P. 84 - Gennaio-Marzo 2008 Ritorno al numero

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