T10-P-16 Evaluation of parents as partners in sex education - 27/06/08

Doi : 10.1016/S1158-1360(08)72946-3 
I. Vieira 1, , O. Fernandes 1, R. Xavier Vieira 2
1 Escola Básica 2,3 Francisco de Arruda, Lisboa, Portugal 
2 Faculdade de Medicina Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal 

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The purpose of the present study was to analyse parents as adolescentʼs educators, as a primary source of information and a way to promote basic skills for a responsible sexual health.

Design and method

The sample of our work consisted of 171 parents (mean age 40.1±3.0 years) of the same number of adolescents of both sexes namely: 97 boys and 74 girls; mean age 13.5±1.4 years, from Francisco de Arruda School in Lisbon.

The Instruments used were The Sexual Behaviours and Health Questionnaire, The Parental Bonding Instrument and The Attitudes Scale.


Our main data was that fifty percent of the parents think that they have a very low capacity to protect their children.


These investigation indicate that parents seems so insecure to talk about the sexuality of their sons that they prefer that others, in this case, the teachers do the job for them. So, it seems positive that school and parents can work together so that adolescents achieve high levels of sexual education that respect human rights and promote a healthy sexual lifestyle.

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Vol 17 - N° S1

P. 154 - Gennaio-Marzo 2008 Ritorno al numero

Benvenuto su EM|consulte, il riferimento dei professionisti della salute.

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