
An analysis of 635 consequetive laparoscopic hysterectomy patients in a tertiary referral hospital - 24/10/19

Doi : 10.1016/j.jogoh.2019.101645 
Seda Yuksel a, , Gonca Coban Serbetcioglu b, Songul Alemdaroglu a, Selcuk Yetkinel a, Gulsen Dogan Durdag a, Erhan Simsek a, Husnu Celik a
a Baskent University Adana Dr. Turgut Noyan Teaching Hospital, Turkey 
b Baskent Üniversity Izmir Zubeyde Hanım Research Hospital, Turkey 

Corresponding author at: Baskent University Adana Dr. Turgut Noyan Teaching Hospital, Gazipasa District Baraj Street No:7 Seyhan, Adana, Turkey.Baskent University Adana Dr. Turgut Noyan Teaching HospitalGazipasa District Baraj Street No:7 SeyhanAdanaTurkey
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The objective of this retrospective observational study is to analyse the properties of laparoscopic hysterectomy cases that are performed for benign indications and also endometrial cancer indications. Operation time, postoperative complicaton rate, blood transfusion need, and hospitalization time are compared according to benign and malign indications and also body mass index of the patients.

Material and methods

Patients who were operated between September 2012 and December 2017 are included in this study. Patients’ age, body mass index, medical histories, operation indications, operation time, pathology reports, pre and postoperative hemoglobine values and postoperative complications are obtained from medical records.Body mass index is classified as underweight for <19 ; normal for 19–25 ; overweight for 25–30 and obese for ≥30.


Operation and hospitalization times were significantly higher for high BMI and malign gynecologic indication groups than lower BMI and benign gynecologic indication groups (p:0.0001). Complication rates and transfusion needs were similar in between malign and benign gynecologic disease groups (p :0.443; P:0.670 respectively) and also in between high and lower BMI groups (P:0.813 ; P:0.468 respectively).


Laparoscopic approach for hysterectomy operations in high BMI patients and endometrial cancer patients seem to be safe in terms of postoperative complication and bleeding that necessitate transfusion.

Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.

Keywords : Laparoscopic hysterectomy, Laparoscopy complications, Blood transfusion, Operation time, Hospitalization time


 This study has been conducted in Baskent University Adana Dr. Turgut Noyan Teaching Hospital Gyneaoncology Department.

© 2019  Elsevier Masson SAS. Tous droits réservés.
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