
Detailed overview on rare malignant ovarian tumors - 28/02/20

Les tumeurs rares de l’ovaire

Doi : 10.1016/j.bulcan.2020.01.011 
Stefanie Aust 1, Lauriane Eberst 2, Olivier Tredan 2, Christine Rousset-Jablonski 3, Isabelle Treilleux 2, Pierre Méeus 3, Nicolas Chopin 3, Fred Beurrier 3, Amandine Charreton 2, Daval Véronique 2, Amina Hallouz 2, Agnès Coulon 2, Alexis Ricoeur 4, Charles Mastier 4, Amine Bouhamama 4, Séverine Racadot 5, Mojgan Devouassoux-Shisheboran 6, Véronique Haddad 2, Isabelle Ray-Coquard 7,
1 Comprehensive Cancer Center, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Division of General Gynecology and Gynecologic Oncology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria 
2 Department of Medical Oncology, centre Léon-Bérard, Lyon, France 
3 Department of Surgery, centre Léon-Bérard, Lyon, France 
4 Department of Interventional Radiology, centre Léon-Bérard, Lyon, France 
5 Department of Radiotherapy, centre Léon-Bérard, Lyon, France 
6 Hospices civils de Lyon, centre hospitalier Lyon-Sud, 165, chemin du Grand-Revoyet, 69495 Pierre-Bénite cedex, France 
7 Department of Medical Oncology, centre Léon-Bérard, University Claude Bernard (UCBL Lyon1), Lyon, France 

Isabelle Ray-Coquard, Department of Medical Oncology, centre Léon-Bérard, University Claude Bernard (UCBL Lyon1), Lyon, France.Department of Medical Oncology, centre Léon-Bérard, University Claude Bernard (UCBL Lyon1)LyonFrance
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The group of rare malignant ovarian tumors includes the group of germ cell tumors, sex cords stromal ovarian tumors, small cell carcinoma, malignant Brenner tumors, rare epithelial tumors such as mucinous carcinoma, clear cell carcinoma, or low-grade serous carcinoma, as well as ovarian carcinosarcoma. Together they comprise about 10% of all ovarian tumors. Due to their low prevalence and their heterogeneity, data and treatment recommendations are limited. Even though all ovarian tumors are staged according to the FIGO staging of epithelial ovarian tumors, treatment differs especially in germ cell tumors and sex cords stromal ovarian tumors. Non-epithelial ovarian tumors can arise from a variety of ovarian precursor cells such as germ cells, granulosa cells, theca cells, or stromal fibroblasts. As can be expected already due to their divergent precursor lesions, these malignancies are substantially different but united by their rarity. This overview article gives a comprehensive summary on the pathology and clinical presentation, as well as therapy recommendations of a selection of those rare ovarian tumors, based on the latest national guidelines and related important publications.

Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.

Keywords : Germ cell tumors, Sex cords stromal tumors, Mucinous carcinoma, Clear cell carcinoma


© 2020  Société Française du Cancer. Publié par Elsevier Masson SAS. Tous droits réservés.
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