
Phagocyte function of peripheral neutrophil granulocytes and monocytes in endometriosis before and after surgery - 20/05/20

Doi : 10.1016/j.jogoh.2020.101796 
Luca Lukács a, Anna Rebeka Kovács a, László Pál b, Sándor Szűcs b, Ágnes Kövér a, Rudolf Lampé a,
a Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Univesity of Debrecen, Faculty of Medicine, 98. Nagyerdei krt., Debrecen 4012, Hungary 
b University of Debrecen, Faculty of Public Health, Department of Preventive Medicine, Hungary 

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Endometriosis is a chronic systemic disease, which influence negatively the quality of life of affected women and responsible for infertility and chronic pelvic pain. Pathophysiology of the disease is still enigmatic, but insufficient immune surveillance may play a role in it. Peripheral natural immune cell function is rarely examined. The aim of the study was to examine phagocyte function of peripheral neutrophil granulocytes and monocytes, whether this phagocytic activity is affected by the presence or removal of endometriotic lesions in women with endometriosis.

Material and methods

Twenty-six preoperative, 13 postoperative samples from women with endometriosis, 23 samples from healthy women, 14 pre- and postoperative samples from the surgical control group were enrolled. Cells were isolated from peripheral blood samples, marked and evaluated for the phagocytosis index with immunofluorescent microscope after phagocyting the zymosane molecules.


Phagocyte function of monocytes and neutrophil granulocytes decreased significantly women with endometriosis before surgery compared to healthy controls. However, 7 days after surgery the postoperative values showed significant improvement compared to the preoperative results of women with endometriosis. This increment reached the values of the healthy women. In the surgical control group no difference was detected between the pre- and postoperative outcomes.


Decreased phagocyte function of the examined cells, which can be the result of the circulating immunosuppressive factors, may play a role in the deficient clearance of ectopic endometrial tissue. Based on the postoperative results, these immunosuppressive factors may be reduced or eliminated 7 days after surgery in women with endometriosis.

Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.

Abbreviations : DAPI, EDTA, FITC, FITC-OZ, PI

Keywords : Endometriosis, Innate immunity, Phagocyte function, Neutrophil granulocyte, Monocyte


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