
Youtube videos as an information source about urinary incontinence - 13/07/21

Doi : 10.1016/j.jogoh.2021.102197 
Caner Baran 1, Şafak Yilmaz Baran 2, a,
1 Department of Urology, Cukurova State Hospital, Adana, Turkey 
2 Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Başkent University, Dr. Turgut Noyan Application and Research Center, Adana, Turkey 

Corresponding Author: M. D. Şafak Yilmaz Baran, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Başkent University, Dr. Turgut Noyan Application and Research Center, Gazi Paşa Mah. Baraj Sok. No:7 Seyhan Adana, Turkey, tel: 0090 505 583 08 56Department of Obstetrics and GynecologyBaşkent UniversityDr. Turgut Noyan Application and Research CenterGazi Paşa Mah. Baraj Sok. No:7 SeyhanAdanaTurkey
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Youtube is one of the most popular video-sharing websites, and people use Youtube as a source of information. Patients with urinary incontinence may seek information about their condition on Youtube. This study aims to assess the videos on Youtube about urinary incontinence and evaluate the information regarding whether patients can understand and/or act accordingly.


We performed a Youtube search with the keywords of "incontinence," "urinary incontinence," and "overactive bladder" in the English language with the incognito mode on the browser. All links were extracted and recorded in an excel file. Duplicated links were removed, and metadata of the videos were collected. A custom python language script was used to perform this operation. We selected the most viewed 150 videos for the assessment. After removing the non-related videos, 112 of them were included in the study. Two researchers separately evaluated all the videos with the Patients Education Material Assessment Tool (PEMAT, audiovisual version).


The total duration of all included (n:112) videos was 12.6 hours, and these videos had been watched 37,332,178 times until the query date. The vast majority of the videos were about information, management, and treatment options (Kegel exercises, surgery modalities) of incontinence, individual experiences of patients with incontinence, commercials about the diapers, and healthcare professionals who wanted to introduce themselves or their services.

Mean understandability and actionability scores of the videos were 57.9% and, 44.7% respectively. Our analysis showed that only 12.5% of the videos on Youtube related to incontinence were understandable, as well as actionable, in terms of PEMAT scores.


According to our study, 87.5% of the videos about incontinence on Youtube.com in the English language were not understandable and actionable for users. Development of high-quality content about incontinence is needed.

Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.

Keywords : Overactive Bladder, Social Media, Urinary Incontinence


 Financial disclaimer / conflicts of interest: None
 Author contribution: C Baran: Project development, data collection, manuscript writing
 Ş Yılmaz Baran: Project development, data collection, manuscript writing

© 2021  Publié par Elsevier Masson SAS.
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